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You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Sunday, August 30, 2009

musings on torture...

CHENEY: Chris, my sort of overwhelming view is that the enhanced interrogation techniques were absolutely essential in saving thousands of American lives, in preventing further attacks against the United States, in giving us the intelligence we needed to go find al Qaeda, to find their camps, to find out how they were being financed. … It was good policy. It was properly carried out. it worked very, very well.

WALLACE: So even these cases where they went beyond the specific legal authorization, you’re okay with it.


Perhaps we might want to follow Dick's logic out through its natural process. Chris Wallace followed up his interview with the erroneous statement facetiously suggesting that it was not coincidental that the US had not been attacked since 9/11. Of course this is a bold and bald lie, as there have been numerous terror-driven attacks in the US since that time, including, among others, a young man entering a high school in CA last week with several pipe bombs (two of which were detonated) and guns w/ ammo. The list of such attacks includes shooters and bombers across the country, albeit, mostly carried out by those on the extremist far right.

So, if we accept Dick's ideas, then we need to begin to pick up all of the far-right wingnuts, starting with high school students, detaining them in special environments and removing any semblance of their rights and protections of the US Constitution. Then we need to torture them (okay let's even call it enhanced interrogation) into revealing the names of all of those who may have talked about, or been supportive of, various terror activities. Imagine we take our 13-17 years old students and waterboard them to tell on their friends so that we can continue this effort until we rid the nation of any possible terror attack. Wow, what an effective and productive strategy. We could save millions of lives long before any of the threatened even knew that they were in any possible danger (probably even before the perpetrators would know they could become perps.

Hell, we could start with the gubernatorial candidate from Idaho, Rex Rammel (or is that Rommel??--hehee), who thought that killing the President of the US would be a good idea. Since that is an act, by definition, one that is most heinous, then with Dick's logic, torturing Rex is an absolute necessity. He might know others who feel the same, who own the weapons and have the knowledge to carry it out, who might direct their efforts towards similar acts of treason and threat to the US. Indeed, we should demand that Dick offer his (and Addington's) services to this effort.

And should our local law enforcement personnel, in their zeal to facilitate the extraction of the most information, torture and harm (even kill {the count is well over 100 now by CIA count}) innocent teens and citizens, we would, again following the rule of Dick, not ever want to prosecute them. They must be free to do as they please in hopes that all possible future threats are eradicated.

Seems to me a poem by a certain Pastor Niemoller would be relevant.