Online advertising with all of those scripts and popups that make it nearly impossible to completely load a page. I cannot even begin to tell you what any of them are about, because i tune them out.
All of the people who comment on GoComics Doonesbury daily cartoon page, who seem to think that the cartoon is magically real and about real things that happen.
Corona Beer commercials that promote the lethal use of alcohol on beaches (74% of all drownings are alcohol related).
The Fashion Police and host Joan Rivers, both of which are disgusting and horrendous examples of psychologically abusive bullying and abject terrorizing imagery.
A Direct TV advertisement that clearly shows a waitress toxically poison a group of customers for their football preference
The funding of the "grassroots" tea partiers by large corporate interests hiding behind non-profits, PACs and 527s after the Citizens United decision.
The funding of intentionally deceptive campaign commercials filled with lies and egregious comments without any "official" connection to a candidate.
The complete and utter disregard of truth in campaign statements and commercials, so blatant, for example, that even conservative bloggers are criticizing the GOP Promise to America for its mindlessness.
Everything having to do with the fashion industry, the Kardashian industry, the drug use of celebrities, and the paparazzi.
Those of my friends who still think they can make a difference by "educating the public" with studies and earnestness, in the face of the daily decisions by the policy makers and governments to ignore all of the studies and educational insights. Think GMO salmon for example.
Auto insurance commercials and advertising (good hands around the neck of a General lizard while that lady says idiotic things?)
The endless promotion of great wealth, and the wonders of the wealthy, arguing for more tax cuts, in the face of mounting poverty and unemployment. Who are the media talking to, other than each other.