You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Thursday, July 04, 2013

thinking one unthinkable

There really is no possible way to express this in any different way:
the national and local multimedia are pushing USA military service as
the only path to hero worship, bar none. If you are not a military
veteran, you have no chance of receiving recognition for any success
in the mainstream today. This is specifically designed, through the
tri-part branches of the US government, to focus all of the nation's
interest and motivation on military veterans and rejecting all other
citizens recognition of moving forward in the US economy, the US job
market, the US as a whole.

I'm really confused by all of this. Why would all of the mainstream
media spend giant chunks of their dollars on promoting the success of
military vets, when they represent less than 2.5 percent of the US
population? As a country, we have, throughout US history, struggled
to envelop the wonders of this nation on the magic of the mainstream
as they achieve the success they so often receive. But in the last
twelve years, the entire multimedia operations are now focused on
whether on not the less than 2.5% of the mainstream population receive
the recognition and accolades as the sole measure of all of the
necessary benchmark for human success.

Personally, i am deeply offended. These US military veterans have
done not one thing to protect or serve the best interests of the
nation and of its citizens. Take, for example, the representation of
US military vets on the Fourth of July. It now seems that not one
celebration of the Fourth can be considered for media presentation, if
it doesn't show the care and service of US military vets. This is
absolute crap. The Fourth of July was, in its actual original form,
never about the non-existent (at the time) US military. It was
intended to be a national celebration of the entire citizenry engaging
in a concerted action against the tyranny of rulers. Much like the
Egyptians being currently engaged in the process of revolution, --to
pursue a government of the people, for the people, by the people--,
the Fourth of July very specifically honors and celebrates the
enlightened 56 non-military men who stood up to sign their names on a
document, that meant the willingness to sacrifice their lives for
simply wishing to have their own say in self government. There never
was the intent of a military presence. There was never the intent of
some other people stepping forward to sacrifice their lives so that
others may prosper. It was always about the self-sacrifice of the
individual in the pursuit of expressing his (and a few hers) own
individual rights against all.

We are a nation that hides our actual concerns and actions, behind the
veil of US military service. Citizens need to begin to recognize that
this is a smokescreen, designed and produced to divert the attention
of the people from the actual nightmarish tyranny of the less than
0.05% of the population. Why else would less that one-half of one
percent focus all of the media on 2.5%? It only makes sense as a ruse
to keep the general population ignoring the diverse cacophony that is
about to fall. Not one single veteran has ever protected the rights
of citizens; they have, however, served to keep the population
distracted from so very many challenging and dangerous processes that
are befallen them.