You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Owanke kahinta yo-open the door-ooops

<>At his latest news conference, Bush said he thinks the new Iraqi government "will be up to the task of defeating the insurgents." He harked back to the January elections and said he was "heartened" to learn that there are now "40,000 Iraqi troops" sufficiently well trained to protect Baghdad. (In fact, our own commanders place little credence in that encouraging statistic.) To him, every devastating attack merely serves as further proof that the insurgents are "desperate." Cheney takes the same optimistic approach. He told CNN interviewer Larry King that he perceives "major progress" in Iraq, where "they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency." He didn't seem to realize he contradicted that remark when he then predicted the war might conclude before 2009, although his general assessment remained vague. "I think we may well have some kind of presence there over a period of time," he said. How that "presence" will serve U.S. interests remains as vague as Cheney's timetable. In the meantime, it is worth noting that administration predictions have proven considerably less reliable than those of the war's opponents.

We have understand something about this sort of rhetoric and the critique. Entwined within both is an underlying thesis that seems to never be stated. We entered Iraq to control the Oil. We need to control the petroleum resources of the region, and that includes Iraq, Saudi, and Iran. We can't take control of Saudi lands until we establish bases in Iraq. These aren't temporary, these are permanent. The Iraqis we are training as part of the future security forces are to protect the physical infrastructure of the resource extraction industries and the supportive energy/water/sewage/trash infrastructure of the bases. We will use our bases to monitor and protect our Embassy and from which to expand our hegemonic control of the regions resources. Once we secure Iraq, and begin the interdiction in Iran, we can focus attention on Saudi Arabia. This will allow the US to expand its domain to include the lower Gulf States of Bahrain, Oman, Dubai, UAE, and so forth. We control the extraction and shipping of all MId East oil, and force China and India to access their access to reserves through us and through Russia.

All of this of course hinges on the ability of Bushco to maintain control of the US government and to increase exponentially the police state here as a necessary means to repress dissent and opposition to this agenda. This will entail increasing the war efforts abroad, fighting illusory terrorist attacks here, and nominally addressing the resistance to the strengthening of the political authorities of the amerikan taliban. Group think and double speak willl need to become the watchwords of the day. Even if you aren't a fundamentalist evangelical you will be forced to choose to pretend to be one, or risk losing all of your civil rights and liberties. Access to various formerly public services will be cutoff to non-believers. Poor camps and slave labor infrastructures will necessarily be created to control the ever increasing population of those who are denied the services. Likewise only the chose will move upward through the hierarchies of power. This would all sound like science fiction except for one tiny ugly fact. It already is happening.