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Friday, July 29, 2005

is it really Howdy Doody time, Buffalo Bob??

Arses meus id comedit

It did too, really!! Preparing as i am to get back on the road after being offline and away from all news for two seven weeks, i am amazed how little has changed in the chaotic world. The US bribes Oz to support a separate climate agreement w/ China and India claiming that "it" wants to help reduce greeen house emissions; all of this of course is total BS. Nowhere in the proposed agreement is the US emissions mentioned. Why is that? Well it turns out that one round trip airflight from NY to Paris and back is equal to the same quantity of catastrophic carbon release as the power produced by Staten Island needs for one hour. Where are we going to reduce?? Yes we will sell China and India some technological designs they can engineer and build in their countries, eventually selling them back to us and ever more increasing the trade deficits. But ultimately Oz gets screwed because it is the first continent that will fully feel the impact of rising sea levels, rapid loss of Ozone protections, dramatic increase in more violent and unpredictable weather. And since all that will take place in the Southern Hemisphere the US will enjoy the freedom to blame the problems on those Asian neighbors. Coupled w/ the new Energy bill and CAFTA the US can create a massive planetary pollution zone, complete with extra subsidies to move the worst of the pollution just south across the border while increasing the use of fossil fuel burning at home through increased transportation and power production. Peak Oil you ask?? Not for us, just for everyone else. Well as long as we can keep our military operational enough to control the flow of energy resources to us. Ain't we clever???