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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

tókha sandefur????

"The failure of the reform measures in California’s election last night has brought out a lot of negative punditry, some of it good. On the way to work this morning, in between the car accidents, I was listening to Armstrong And Getty (the only morning show in Sacramento worth a damn), and they were making the amusing but accurate point that California is a lot like a beautiful, kind, good woman who just happens to be insane, and every few weeks comes at you with an axe. You try hard to be kind and make her well, but at some point, many people are just going to leave. I don’t agree with those who think Schwarzenegger was naive about California politics. People including Dan Walters—the only great journalist left in California—contend that he was just overly optimistic and thought that he didn’t have to go out and push for these measures."

Novel writing is going painfully slow, and i am far behind. I just couldn't pass up this opportunity to point out further evidence that tim sandefur, in his own words, is nothing so much more than a far right conservative. He may feign his allegiance to objectivist libertarianism, and speaks oft at Federalist Society meetings, but deep in the core of his being is another good Goebbels type fascist waiting until he assumes the political power he feels he righteously deserves. For the record Armstrong and Getty are cheap imitations of Hannity and Combes, begging to move up the Fox News/ Clear Channel food chain. They will make horrendously ugly statements, filled with outright lies, innuendo, deceipt etc. and if called on them, even within a five minute period, will claim that they didn't say what they just said. It is tawdry and vile. And for Timmy to claim his wonder in them is really disheartening but all too expected. Likewise with Walters who would love to be O'Reilly or even Tierney of the NYT, but is a pseudo-intellect used to synchophantic adoration of those conservatives in power. His reports distort and deceive, his book is truly a nightmare. Yet Tim, think Monty Python here, loves them and adores them. It could be no more obvious. It is a shame the others on the Positive Liberty website have to put up with him.