You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Thursday, April 06, 2006

it was 40 years ago today, that the Pranksters taught me to play

Forty years ago (in an hour or so) today i took my first individual, guided LSD trip. I remember it today, as clear as any memory i have of any point in my life. I remember it because, even as i remember my first LSD trip the month before at an acid test in LA surrounded by cacaphony and wild abandon and wondrous textures of three-dimensional atmosphere, the trip i took with a guide was even more amazing and powerful. Five hundred mics of the purest Sandoz crystal, suspended in a solution of athletic dorm apple juice, led me to discover that what we assume comprises the matter and substance of the world in which we live, is much less solid and so much more temporary and ephemeral.

The great debate today in the entheogen community stems from moments such as mine forty years ago. The research side of the community desperately wanting to share their own similar epiphanies and discoveries with the world condemn those who advocate letting the world have at it themselves. If there had not been the first recreational use of the molecule, the now so famous bicycle ride of St Albert, then we would never have known the possibilities existed for what could be experienced. And yet, the researchers insist and demand that all recreational use be stopped, so that their precious research can proceed to study possible treatments for migraines or PTSD or a host of other psychological impairments. But there is a trick here, and it involves the age of those that insist that those such as myself are not helping. It seems that only a very few of these advocates are old enough to have used LSD legally, and even fewer of the age to have used it solely in research settings. Thus all the use by those too young must necessarily have been recreational, though i am sure they would have described it as personal focussed guided research.

Well, screw them and their hypocrisy. Without the acid test, i would not have taken the follow up dose a month later. Forty years ago today, i saw such beauty and wonder in the simplest of matter. Miles of rainbow aftertrails following the flight of birds, of baseballs, of dogs, of runners, brought smiles deep from the core of my being. Human hair, well cleaned, seemed to be so stunningly beautiful. Each singular leaf on every tree called out to me, each petal on the blooming spring flowers demanded my attention. Dew drops on blades of grass, water splashing off my arms and hands as i swam in the pool later in the day, excited me with beingness and presence. Trust me on this: there is nothing in your life that will matter so much more than a really good LSD trip.