Assuming that the US invaded the Middle East and Western Asia for the purpose of revenge, seeking and reeking vengeance upon the islamic world for the deaths and destruction of 9/11, well then, we are now in the negative tolling. As of this morning, the official DoD death toll of US military personnel killed in Afghanistan and Iraq stands at 2760 dead; more than died in NYC on 9/11 and just a bit less than the two hundred who died the entire day. If we count those that have perished in various non-combat related fatalities, such as PTSD suicides or training exercise mishaps, we have paid the reaper greater than a 100% rebate on WTC. In other words, discounting entirely the idiocy of our folly and near genocidal slaughter of Iraqis and Afghanis, we are have doubled the death toll of the events that are purportedly to have inspired us to go to war in the first place. Doesn't that just make it right??? As the MSM ostrich flaps off into the sanddunes, trying in every possible way to avoid discussing the hideous war crimes perpetrated in all of our names, but done so because MSM failed miserably to account for anything truthful, the military is struggling with trying to control its own forces who have quite literally lost their minds and are randomly murdering, in ritual execution style, Iraqi women and children. This does not bode well for those that must live with this later in their lives. We have met the enemy, and we have been the enemy for much longer than we could have ever possibly imagined.
If that weren't enough, try Billy-boy Frist's comments today suggesting that the most important issues confronting the US are not the war, the atrocities, the environment, the collapse of the dollar, the abuse of constitutional authority by the executive branch, the incapacity of DHS and FEMA to meet the impending disasters, or any of the other real problems. NO, what is most important is protecting christian marriage and the US flag. Is this man a complete idiot, or just another desperate whitehouse wife seeking to curry all of the sexual favors of the office, in the face of his competitor the flipfloppy (i didn't mean what i said as POW, but torture is necessary at times) Johnny-dudely-do-right? Even his loyal GOP personally operated broadcast medium, Fox News suggested Billy-boy was being a bit disingenuous.
"Fox News host points out, these moves are nothing more than pandering to the right-wing base. Flag-burning incidents declined rapidly after 9/11 and haven’t shown any signs of rebounding. Right now, Cuba, China, and Iran are the only other countries to ban flag desecration and the issue doesn’t even show up on recent polls as an important priority for the American public."
Your own medium telling you, you are an idiot, and he still spews the partisan begging. Consider those other nations that have flag burning laws--the three are our declared worst enemies. Didn't Rice and Cheney just castigate China for spending a couple of billion more on its military?? We have embargoed Cuba for almost 50 years, and well we don't even need to mention our issues with Iran. Great company to keep on that one.
This can only be another sign of how bad it is all getting. The US pledges a whopping half a million dollars to help our dictatorial allies in Indonesia (whilst the government still slaughters people in East Timor) recover from an earthquake. That is roughly the same amount as equals the tax relief paid to a dozen millionaires under the latest law ($42K / millionaire); and never acknowledges that we are wasting that much daily in overpaid non-productive Katrina contracts.
Yet perhaps the indicator of the insanity and desperation of the puppets of the neo-feudal lords of capital, recognizing as they do that their precious patronage is faltering and fleeing at every oar stroke across the sea of massive debt and collapsing dollar, is the abuse being heaped upon Al Gore by the paid voices of our nation's combined transportation industries. The following is from today's Think Progress, because i can't make it seem any nicer, or less obvious.
Last week, Sterling Burnett – a senior fellow at the Exxon-backed National Center for Policy Analysis – compared Al Gore to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.
In this weekend’s Washington Post magazine, meteorologist Bill Gray – one of the most prominent climate skeptics – directly compared Al Gore to Adolf Hitler:
Gore believed in global warming almost as much as Hitler believed there was something wrong with the Jews.
It’s telling that so many of the attacks on Al Gore and his movie are ad hominem, not substantive. There really is no credible scientific rebuttal to An Inconvenient Truth, so people are forced to attack the messenger.