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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

CMA's and Bushco's amurka

The fans of mainstream country music proved last night that they remain loyal to their bushes and dicks and gods. The CMA's were a tragic sad farce of a presentation of values based propaganda replete with the faux appeals to charity, the swearing allegiance to all things bushco, and the endless parade of "god made me do its." Pandering is the only word that fits the scene, as the corporate interests of the business went out of their way to spin the texts and subtexts solely to fit the core GOP constituency, not even bothering to acknowledge that there is any other. We live in really weird times, and this sort of programming of politics and agenda into music awards, shines a glaring spotlight on the darkest and ugliest side of partisan politics in the US.

Clearly the $$ dominates this effort. Recognizing that they have a solid core political constituency who will purchase and devour their product as long as it is chock full of tears of empathy and passion for patriocy, the moneyed elites who produce, release and distribute the music realize that by focussing every aspect, like their puppet masters of bushco have done, on those talking points, they garner a quite sizeable market monopoly. Idiots be damned and full speed ahead.