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Friday, August 18, 2006

Jason Miller on US crimes against humanity

Here are but a few recent examples of the United States' own flagrant human rights abuses:

1. carrying out quite a number of its own executions in a manner recently discovered to inflict a great deal of suffering on the victim, including executing the mentally retarded and mentally ill. The US also executes a greater per capita number of its citizens than any other nation.

2. routinely torturing and suspending justice for those labelled "enemy combatants"

3. funding the Israeli Apartheid and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians

4. occupying a nation where it has killed over a million Iraqi civilians since the Gulf War invasion (through brutal economic sanctions {500K children alone in nine years} and military actions).

5. funding and providing the munitions for the Israeli devastation of Lebanon

6. supporting numerous ruthless and murderous regimes (as long as they are friendly to US corporations)

7. having cynically embraced Saddam Hussein as an ally (knowing of his crimes against humanity {Rumsfeld handing him a check after the Kurd gassing}) when it furthered US interests and invading Iraq preemptively to topple him when he ceased to be useful.

8. having kept the House of Saud in power for years despite its harsh practice of Sharia Law and repression of all dissent and opposition

9. maintaining the largest prison population in the world (and largest per capita prison population) through a legal system so unjust that 50% of those incarcerated are Black when Blacks comprise 14% of the general population.

10. engaging in numerous outright massacres of civilians (i.e. Haditha, Fallujah) {well this dates back to the early American colonial days now doesn't it??}