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You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Sunday, October 01, 2006

Len Hart writes today:

I suppose I should indulge a bit of Schadenfreude. For years, from obscurity, I have been yelling that the policies of George W. Bush have made terrorism worse, alienated friends, confirmed potential enemies, and, in short, made Americans less safe, despised, reviled around the world. Bush's polices were bone-headed -- misunderstanding and misstating the nature of terrorism and, worse, failing to address it. There was some hope even among liberals that Bush's invasion of Afghanistan might bring an acknowledged terrorist to justice -- hopes dashed when Bush, himself, made of our nation a rogue state with a pattern of ineffective, ham fisted, policies. Under Bush, we became a rogue state, little better -- if at all -- from terrorists themselves. Bush's body count in Iraq alone far surpasses those of either Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein -- whom Bush calls terrorist and dictator.

Among Bush's policy blunders, he arrogantly dismisses the principles of Geneva, Nuremberg and the other treaties to which the US is not merely obliged -- we helped write many of them. Bush has thus abjured the very principles which had -- until Bush -- distinguished America from the dictatorial regimes of Hussein, Pinochet, Pol Pot et al. We have -- under Bush -- become the world's number one terrorist threat.

So my question is: "When will the next superpower military force decide that it is time for regime change for the torturous evil US totalitarian Bushco government?" Seems to me we as a nation have just joined the parade of thugs and villians, hellbent on incresing the strength and might of the chosen few at the expense of the masses wellbeing, freedom, and safety. Welcome to the rest of the 21st century.