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You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Saturday, January 20, 2007

faggot faggot faggot, nigger nigger nigger, kyke kyke kyke

What the fuck happened to the First amendment? I remember when they took down the Fourth, and pretty much raked over the Fifth and Sixth along with the Ninth (can you say no-fly list). I even remember the last couple of campaigns where the clause in the First about peaceable assembly was denuded by the ambiguous and arbitrary reduction of that civil liberty to a small specific zone of a locality only. But I do not remember when they took away my right and liberty to use my speech freely.

Words do not have any power. Words are words, they are not weapons, nor clubs, nor bombs, nor flames, nor good, nor evil. Words are symbols and signs, semioticities awash with use and meanings that are ascribed to both the communicator and communicatee. The responsibility of our Constitution places the burden of protecting our rights and liberties upon those who would choose to deny them or diminsh them. Those that are offended by an utterance (Faggot, for example) do not have the right to stop people from using the word. They have the right to be offended if they so choose, and they have the right to speak out about their offense, but not about the word nor the use of the word. They only have the right to express their own displeasure during the experience of listening or reading the word. This is particularly true when one class of persons feels a certain word "belongs" to them, and can only be used by them, and that others who choose to use their word need to have their rights violated. This is also particularly true for people who rally around their own identity politics placards hosting all sorts of rights demeaning defamation claims against words being uttered by someone not of their particular identity.

Fuck being offended by words, you assholes. Be offended by the war, be offended by the poverty, be offended by the violence, be offended by the lack of basic necessities for healthy and safe survival. But stop behaving like the spoiled rich little children you are about the use of words. Reducing my right to free and unfettered speech, by coercing employers and corporations to punish people who use words that for some carry connotations that seem too much to bear (it is a fucking "word" dipshit), only further increases the depths to which our national police/security state has been made manifest. Give me my liberty back you bastards. How dare you claim words are powerful and dangerous? How dare you impose arbitrary and harsh punishments on people who use words to which you choose to take offense (loss of income, blacklisting, restraints on free trade)? Words are just textual signifiers for the holy shit's sake.

And speaking of Fuck, use it correctly for homo's sake

In the mean time watch this little video and think about how not to be like the FCC!