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You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Sunday, September 14, 2008

she follows her marching orders well:

If one were to ask why McMo-Ro continues to spew a steady stream of falsehoods and lies, in order to garner support for her own campaign, and for those of the GOP/Rethuglicans nationally and within the state, one need only pay attention to the party super-boss Karl Rove:
This week, non-partisan fact-checking organizations like PolitiFact and
have called Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) out for lies in his attack ads against Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL). But on Fox News Sunday today, former Bush political adviser Karl Rove dismissed the organizations, claiming that “they’ve got their own biases built in there.” “You can’t trust the fact-check organizations,”
(h/t to Thinkprogress)

here is one example; and yes the misspeaking by Herr Karl is intentional below:
"Well, first of all, I do think that the lipstick remark was an inappropriate and maybe it was unconscious, but it was a deliberate slap at Governor Palin. The only time this word has intruded in recent months in the campaign was in her, you know, self-deprecating remark at the convention. For her to use the lipstick remark less than two weeks after she used it struck me as too much of a coincidence not to have been a deliberate attack."

Of course we know from FactCheck that John McCain used the phrase "putting lipstick on a pig" way back on May 2nd. Herr Rove just wants to make sure that fact checking is simply just not appropriate at any time during this campaign.

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