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Sunday, September 14, 2008

she follows her marching orders well:

If one were to ask why McMo-Ro continues to spew a steady stream of falsehoods and lies, in order to garner support for her own campaign, and for those of the GOP/Rethuglicans nationally and within the state, one need only pay attention to the party super-boss Karl Rove:
This week, non-partisan fact-checking organizations like PolitiFact and
have called Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) out for lies in his attack ads against Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL). But on Fox News Sunday today, former Bush political adviser Karl Rove dismissed the organizations, claiming that “they’ve got their own biases built in there.” “You can’t trust the fact-check organizations,”
(h/t to Thinkprogress)

here is one example; and yes the misspeaking by Herr Karl is intentional below:
"Well, first of all, I do think that the lipstick remark was an inappropriate and maybe it was unconscious, but it was a deliberate slap at Governor Palin. The only time this word has intruded in recent months in the campaign was in her, you know, self-deprecating remark at the convention. For her to use the lipstick remark less than two weeks after she used it struck me as too much of a coincidence not to have been a deliberate attack."

Of course we know from FactCheck that John McCain used the phrase "putting lipstick on a pig" way back on May 2nd. Herr Rove just wants to make sure that fact checking is simply just not appropriate at any time during this campaign.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

she really is a GOP talking point piglet

Yesterday i mentioned how abysmal and idiotic the CongresswoMan from Eastern Washington makes herself appear to be. For a little substantive reference background on that, i offer this (keeping in mind that she sure knows what she knows--nada):

Yesterday, the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources held a Bipartisan Energy Summit featuring experts from MIT, Google, Shell, and others. At one point in the hearing, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) tore into the energy protest House Republicans have been holding for the past several weeks. This political stunt was meant to demand a vote on oil drilling and “attack Democrats for leaving town” in August “without doing something to lower gas prices.”

After listening all the problems currently facing the country, Whitehouse asked the experts whether anyone thought drilling was the “number one issue” right now. Almost nine seconds went by with complete silence:

SEN WHITEHOUSE: Gentlemen, we’re in the middle of a near total mortgage system meltdown in this country. We have a health care system that burns 16 percent of our GDP, in which the Medicare liability alone has been estimated at $34 trillion. We’re burning $10 billion a month in Iraq.

This administration has run up $7.7 trillion in national debt, by our calculation. And there is worsening evidence every day of global warming, with worsening environmental and national security ramifications. In light of those conditions, do any of you seriously contend that drilling for more oil is the number one issue facing the American people today?


SEN WHITEHOUSE: No, it doesn’t seem so.
(H/T to ThinkProgess and GetSmart)

But of course, HR McMo-Ro regurgitates her given talking points without the least bit of trepidation, failing to even begin to recognize how idiotic it makes her seem. And this is not the first time, nor will it be the last time during this campaign cycle. More to come i am sure.

Friday, September 12, 2008

she knows how to put lipstick on oily pigs

September 12, 2008 Energy Update
Energy Pledge
Today, I signed the Energy Rally for American Pledge. I pledge to the American people that I will vote in favor of the American Energy Act, add no earmarks to the legislation and send it to the President for signing, before Congress adjourns prior to the November elections. To find out more about this effort please visit this website.

Lifting the Off Shore Drilling Moratorium
This week I signed a letter to the President requesting he veto any spending bills that include the moratorium on Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and natural gas exploration. To read the entire letter click here. The American people support increasing our American energy resources by opening up the OCS to oil and natural gas exploration, and we should let the current moratorium expire on September 30th.

In Case You Missed It
I wanted to draw your attention to this article by John Stossel. He makes a good argument that it shouldn't be up to the government to create jobs, specifically "green jobs." Instead, it should be up to small businesses and entrepreneurs. Instead, the government should make it easier to create jobs.

McMorris Rodgers

This will only take a quick fisking of her insanity.

The American Energy Act is the Big Oil bill designed to destroy the planet, especially the oceans around North America, for the purpose of short term (80 year) solution to how to keep the highest profits and smallest lifestyle changes while global climate change trashes all of us. But she doesn't care at all about the people, she only cares that her financial contributors continue to support her and her lifestyle to which she has grown accustomed. Or: have you not heard about the problems in Denver that are costing "the people" tens of billions of dollars not being paid by Big Oil????

Asking Bush to veto such legislation by signing a letter written by lobbyists for her GOP Congressional bosses (you remember she worked directly for Ney, Foley, Pombo, Doolittle, and Hastert before she didn't). Like she has always done, she is the little school girl dutifully obeying her elders and teachers.

John Stossel???? John Stossel???? Need i say more. The man is the embodiment of fabricating lies and misinformation for whomever will pay him the best for such services. His record of untruths and deceit is long, yet on he goes in the best Fox News/ABC-Disney kisses lipstick on a pig's ass tradition.