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You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Thursday, September 23, 2004

my oh my what a wonderful day..

let's look at three news stories from noon today:
The former CEO of software giant Computer Associates International Inc. and a former key sales executive both pleaded not guilty Thursday morning to allegations of a massive securities fraud involving the company. --
one interesting fact in relation to this: of the 20 executives indicted in the HealthSouth scandal(remember this is the organization tied to Frist, the Senate Majority leader) 17 have pled guilty and a whopping zero have served any prison time whatsoever. what does this say about the Justice Department's determination to interdict in white collar crime versus the prosecution of "terrorists"--oh yeah, that's right of the six major cases the Attorney General trumpeted as landmark examples of our war on terror and our healthy homeland security, three have been acquitted and three were convicted for using fraudulent green cards(ooops)--and now Cat Stevens.

Antarctic glaciers are thinning and slipping ever faster into the sea, according to several new studies. Warmer air and sea temperatures are blamed, and the changes are expected to cause an appreciable rise in sea levels.
there is of course no relation to this story and possible ramifications of global warming. that requires decades more study of course, as do the numerous hurricanes now spawning in the atlantic and pacific. oh yeah and another one to hit florida later this weekend. hehehe.. i shouldn't laugh but really, what is the point of ignoring the inevitable? rising sea levels have all sorts of insidious impacts, mostly for nations: along the coasts of asia, numerous pacific islands, southequitorial africa, and brazil. But!!!! a significantly growing population of US citizens live in low lying areas formerly wetlands, like the remainder that bush wants to fill with houses. that means that within the next couple of decades of storms large populations of citizens will be bankrupting insurance carriers in order to rebuild homes that will be heavily inundated. which is perfectly reasonable to the current administration since it will bailout the insurance companies and do so by taxing the lower two-thirds of the population.

The Senate has voted overwhelmingly to confirm the nomination of Representative Porter Goss, a Florida Republican, as director of central intelligence.
let's see if i got this straight. the Senate confirms the first politician to head the CIA at a time when that office has been found guilty of politicizing intelligence. can it get any weirder?? we get a phone and fraud to lead an agency charged with finding out what is supposed to be really happening. thus we can only expect to get fraudulent and deceptive information. once again the US public is being forced to swallow something so against its own well being, and not only does the public swallow it but it does so with happy blissfilled thoughts of the coming weekend football schedule--who's number one? we are... we vote for number one.. we vote for cheaters and theives and deceivers, and war mongers, and liars, and all that as long as they can be perceived as being number one...