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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

when the music's over turn out the light and hide from the fascists

Cat Stevens, Brittany Spears, Tyler Hamilton--CBS?? mmmmm i become so curious indeed. it is amazing that these stories can all be of such importance to our culture that the media is able to ignore the bigger more heinous crisis of the failure in iraq and the ongoing ever expanding movement of money from the bulk of the US population to the very few.

Fascism by every other name is surrounding us at every turn. the official stories are pablum for the masses. Literally thousands of people are refused entry into the US every year, among these are some extremely important and vital authors, musicians, philosophers, etc. Margaret Atwood for one, Farley Mowat for another. Why? because there are members of the administration who feel the fear they are told to feel by those who have the most fundamental and literal associations with make-believe deities. but do we hear about all these, no! we get one story out of thousands about a pop folk singer from the 60's, of course the sixties, isn't that what this really is all about anyway. the least reported aspect of the story is that he has been in and out of this country six times since 9/11 and only now, with the election coming up, is he, and emblem of the sixties tied to islam, made a news story. Fascism... you bet

Brittany Spears dominates entertainment stories because she got married? a freaking pop princess?? please please tell me that the same people that will vote for Bush are so enormously happy with their lives that they want and need to know all about this. i can't begin to express my outrage at this diversion program. keep the masses thinking they are being entertained and they will ignore the vile and despicable.. the chick is going to be a short fat blimp in ten years... we will be shocked at how ugly she will be when she attempts a comeback tour... no different that jessica or christina or beyonce or any of them... none of them have the discipline or stamina or focus of madonna.. speaking of more diversion from the crises around the world... wow she goes to israel to study a mystical tradition that was banned by israel for decades because of its over all spiritual message which ignores completely references to a physical material state of a nation... but wow so much happy support for it now isn't there.. fascist hypocrits..

Tyler Hamilton dopes his blood to achieve success in bicycling... the great thing about blood doping is that it is extremely difficult to prove but great to create rumors about... we accuse you of blood doping and you can't disprove it and we can't prove it.. so we got our lie out there first and you have to defend it... sound familiar... a microcosm of US politics... all lies and innuendo and rumors and gossip intended to distract from facts...