Perhaps one of the most heinous aspects of the immigration debate is the gigabytes of text produced to defend ideology predicated on overt capitalistic enterprises. Suggesting that "we" need to fear immigrants because they threaten the foundational principles of our institutions, whether by disease, violence, or philosophical undermining, is really nothing more at all than being afraid that one's own precious economic worth will be dissipated or reduced. Immigrants are threats solely to the harboring of wealth by those who have vested their entire beings into systems and infrastructures of greed and the related destruction of the earth.
The worst of these are the objectivists and libertarians, obviously of course because they are utterly and completely dependent upon the fertility of their capital rather than any connection whatsoever with the planet itself. It is so absurd to read their musings on the "illegal" immigrants, struggling to justify and validate their enlightened principles as the standards underwhich they demand the nation adhere, all the while reasoning that hispanic immigration is a direct threat to them personally.
What all this really boils down to is that those who stole the land in the first place don't want to share it with those that they stole it from. For example, one of the arguments is that these immigrants don't know the language and thus are incapable of participating (redistributing their wealth to the rich white dudes). Gosh does it ever occur to them that in point of fact, the original common language of CA was in fact Spanish, long before any of the Germans and English invaded and conquered the eastern seaboard. When the Spanish missions and military invaded CA, they found a land populated by more than 300 distinct tribal groups, a thousand languages, diverse and robust trade, and "worst of all" peaceful relations between all peoples. Pre-colonial CA was indeed an ideal and fertile example of classic liberalism at its best--well except for their being no capitalistic monopolization and greed. The Spanish destroyed that, and then the ugliest of all capitalistic adventures (gold rush) killed off the Spanish leadership and claimed CA for the US. For two hundred years the language of CA was Spanish, for only the last 150 has it been English. And now the threat is Spanish?????
You can't have it both ways. You can't claim enlightenment principles from history as the standard to use to restrict others from sharing in those same principles now. "We are here and have created this nation, and you can't come here and be expected to understand how this nation works, since you descended from peoples who weren't us or our enlightened Euro fathers." See the problem. Spain was certainly Euro fatherhood, and subsequently all manner of enlightened principles spread throughout the hispanic cultures in the americas (can you say Simon Bolivar). Likewise, you can't suddenly claim ownership of a birthright on land you claim to own that was stolen from the same people who are immigrating back to take it, unless you first admit you stole it outright in violation of all those enlightened principles in the first place. "WE stole it, but now we believe that is bad, so we can't let you back in now, for fear you might want it back."
Either you accept that history has a relationship and is part and parcel of the process of human behavior and land use in CA, or you rid yourself of history, and start now with the edicts of possession and political will and power expressed through use of violent means. Naturally whatever these people do about the problem, they, none of them, will never ever acknowledge the original peoples whose land and resources and lives they stole in the first place. Thus it is required that all history of CA starts in the year 2000!
You have discovered arachnoanarchy

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