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Thursday, March 09, 2006

one way to coverup the Nakedness

If you never read the blogsphere or online discussions you probably wouldn't know that Vanity Fair has a lengthy interview with Jack Abramhoff. You would however know that Vanity Fair has a really important celebrity story about that millionaire who masquerades as desperate Terry Hatcher. Why? Because the first story has been suppressed while the second has shown up on every single celebrity news program and website and magazine cover. This is story management at its best. Take the Oscars, run with the celebrity tracking, hit on the sexual abuse angle, and make sure noone gets to really see that even Tom DeLay admits that what Jack said is true. What do we know about Hatcher? Well we only have her word that what she claims has happened 30 years ago is valid. Where is the corroborating materials? Not that it matters really; but to have so much money spent to tell her story, whilst the US citizens continue to suffer from the obscene indecency of Jack's corruptions is nothing less than treasonous to borrow a phrase.