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You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Monday, July 24, 2006

the abject denial of commerical media in US

In a few days the White House will welcome some American Idol contestants to visit the W. I am sure the handlers are well aware of the demographics and wish to attach their GOP hopes on the slimy bodies of preening celebrity wannabees. But this story underlies something that i have not seen talked about at all so far.

In not one single episode of any of the dozens of "reality" based programming as reality been presented. Are we to believe that not one person, among the hundreds, has mentioned the wars, global climate change, the costs of energy, etc.??? Not one???? For some reason (and speculation could take book volumes of text to discourse) the MSM has determined that all participants in their programming will never be shown discussing the reality of the world; they will only be shown worrying about their next consumer purchase, how they are viewed by the same/opposite sex, what time the next party begins, and so forth. This carefully scripted pseudo-reality portrays our US culture disdainful of any responsibility for the actions of our government, shows our "average" citizens consumed and engaged so much in their daily lives that they are incapable of comprehending international affairs. Is it even the least bit worrisome to the executives themselves that this portrayal is detrimental to the wellbeing of US citizens around the world, and fails completely in representing the views (as polled) of the vast super majority of US population??

We got problems, and yet, according to our media, not a single one of those problems involves the state and condition of living on the earth at this point.