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Thursday, July 20, 2006

the Democratic bitches of CA...

I am extremely disappointed in the support demonstrated for HR 921 by the top tier of Democratic leadership, especially the big three females from CA: Boxer, Feinstein, Pelosi. The resolution offers wholesale support for Israel in its behavior, although that behavior violates any number of international agreements, conventions, US and international laws, and so forth. The idiocy of these bitches, the blatant pandering to the jewish money, and bilious hypocritic stands--all of these are what make the Democratic party the perenniel loser that it is. The supposed condemnation of the Islamic groups, for behaving in ways absolutely no different than Israel, indeed behaving in much less violent, much less illegal ways, reeks of the duplicity that the party leadership of both parties flaunts in the face of the world.

Federal law prohibits the use of US manufactured military weapons, sold to other governments, on general populations and public/private infrastructure. Hell, Federal law prohibits that use by our own government, although noone dares to question the tactics of shock and awe. And there is the crux of the issue. The Israeli bombing of: Lebanese citizens (a host of Christians even), roads, bridges, airports, power installations, hospitals, medical clinics, libraries, food production facilities, food and water storage facilities; these are illegal acts, war crimes and crimes against humanity. But for the US to condemn the acts, the US would have to admit its own criminal behavior in Iraq and Afghanistan. Since we can't admit that, and because Israel and the rest of the world know that we can't, we are forced to support Israel hideous and vile behavior. And so it goes.