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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I only have one 9/11 question... for now

As this nation continues to be terrorized, losing citizens everyday to violence in Iraq and Afghanistan (deaths that of course wouldn't happen if we weren't there), suffering untold assaults on the rights and liberties of all the citizens here, and becoming increasingly more violent towards one another, i just need to know how the following makes any sense?

Four planes, ostensibly and supposedly taken over by minorly armed hijackers, were planned to have attacked four key facilities. One each for the WTC, and one for the Pentagon, and one for either the White House (where Cheney might have been) or the Capitol. The only plane that was "taken back" by stalwart and heroic US citizens was the one plane that was to target either of our most prized and sacred sites. Now we are being told that we are only to believe that the four planes were staffed with highly trained operatives who were organized to attack the US, and this operation had been in planning for a very long time. Fine, on its face i can accept that assumption for this question. So why is it that the weakest, most-inefficient, least- capable hijackers were on the single, most-important, most-obvious plane?

If the plan was to symbolically attack the US, and picking the WTC and Pentagon were certainly symbolic attacks (WTC housed major media, the largest bank consortium in the world, offices of the Federal government security apparatus, etc.; while the Pentagon was the symbolic HQ of the one military in the world that dwarfs all those of the rest of the world combined), then wouldn't the hijackers with the most sophistication, most experience, closest to Allah, choose to take control of the one plane that was targetted to hit the most symbolic site of all. Are we supposed to believe that it is mere coincidence that the only plane that didn't hit its target was the one that was intended to hit the most precious target???? Are we supposed to accept that the hijackers (who pulled this off) were otherwise so stupid and so inane that they could not have figured out a plan that would make sure that the one key target would be hit??? Are we supposed to accept our own clearly demonstrated incompetent government's assessment that the one plane that really mattered didn't get through because only those passengers had the courage to stop the attack? Just this one set of assumptions alone makes the entire event's official report suspect. It cannot go unanswered, because as of right now it makes absolutely no sense at all.