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You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Saturday, September 16, 2006

RJ Eskow nails it... but i wanted to first.. hehe

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< style="font-family: georgia;">Let me get this straight: "Islamic fascism" is the greatest world threat since Nazism, Bin Laden is its Hitler ... and yet chasing him is not a priority. What's going on with the GOP's leadership? Do they want Al Qaeda to remain a threat to the US and its allies? Think about it: Al Qaeda's actions saved an already-failed Bush Presidency and gave the Republicans total political control in 2002, and in return we've given it great publicity and a new recruiting grounds in Iraq. With their heated rhetoric, our leaders elevated Bin Laden from a vile and desperate criminal to the de facto leader of world Islamic radicalism. It's just what he wanted - and they gave it to him.
Absolutely correct!!! Bushco must, at all costs, increase the level of fear and threat in order to maintain political power to insure the continuing transfer of wealth, remaining as assets of the nation and its citizens, from the many to the few. Massive corporate investment has put them in place solely to initiate this transfer. It cannot be accomplished without the diversion that only a threat of terror can create. Destruction of the environment of the country and planet are secondary to the guarantee that the super rich continue to amass wealth and control of the minions. Destruction of the remaining bastions of middle class, reducing their assets and any political power to those only of serfs and peasants, in order to increase the degree and level of population control, turning over the law and order system to the churches. Without terrorizing the citizens of the US, there is no chance that Bushco can continue to advance its cause, and secure the future protection of the 0.01% of the planet's population.

And this is about the future; it is about the way in which millions of US citizens and all of their american cousins will be forced to suffer in depravity and despair, living in extreme poverty with ever shrinking availability of resources. Without keeping them very afraid of one another, instilling a deep and abiding paranoia among the people, the churches and superrich would have no hold, no control. They are right about one thing: if this gets out there will be chaos and disorder. So we must legalize torture, we must legalize spying, we must abandon constitutional protections and rights and liberties. We must make the world so unsafe, make the US seem so horrendous, that we can live safely only under a regime that protects from the threats it creates. This is organized crime gangsterism 101; the ultimate protection racket.