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Monday, April 23, 2007

Frumpy: "Look at me, I am stupid"

When the first three paragraphs include an outright lie, a strawman deception, a heroic call to kill, and it comes out of the mouths of the American Enterprise Institute, you know you are dealing with serious and dangerous idiocy. It is either that, or David Frum is laying claim to his street cred as a replacement for Tony Snow in the White House. I can hear the following read more like: "Hey Karl, pick me pick me; i am just as evil and deceiptful as Ari, Scotty, Tony, and Perini!"
"This war is lost." No, that was not said by some angry protester, not by some gloating terrorist, but by the Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate, Harry Reid, in remarks to journalists Thursday.
That's the same Harry Reid who voted only three months ago to confirm General David Petraeus as commander of U.S. forces in Iraq.
Gen. Petraeus appeared before the Senate--Reid's Senate--to describe a new strategy in Iraq, backed by almost 28,000 additional US troops. Petraeus detailed his plans and warned he would need at least six months to achieve success. Reid voted to give him that chance. So did 80 other senators: Petraeus was confirmed 81-0.
Clearly that was not what Harry Reid told the President of the United States. But these folks have never yet bothered to be honest, to report facts, or to even bother to appear to be truthy. No their biggest and most zealous concerns are to spew out volumes and reams of propaganda, hoping some might stick to the inner vacuum walls of their remaining constituents, the complete and other brainless who have no capacity to tell the difference and will do as they are told. I won't even bother fisking this, given that this has been done for nearly a week now, each time some lying scum is told by Rove to push the story. I am still not sure how a vote for a confirmation equals a vote for war or the surge, but then again, we are dealing with the AEI, a branch of the Cheney/Rove machine, more properly called the Amercian Empire Instrumentality.

That AEI would respond to the puppet strings and put out yet another column attacking Reid, attacking Democrats, and blithely claiming the war is militarily winnable (in the face of their own board members saying otherwise: Kissinger et al), is not surprising. It is most revealing. The bosses are frustrated that they cannot sway the people to accept more killing and maiming of US citizens for the protection and accumulation of wealth by the very rich. The only people who directly benefit from more war are the war makers and the energy companies. It is that simple. Each and every time you hear a voice call for war, they are protecting the profit of their handlers. Frum is just another marionette in the throes of deep passionate love for Karl.