You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Totum dependeat;

I received the following comment post from Chris Clarke, to a comment of mine i had posted on his Creek Running North blog site:
spyder, I stand in awe. You can work Karl Rove into a discussion of anything.
Now i got to ruminating on this with regards to what i had said, what Chris has said, what i was feeling about the American Soul and what Chris has been feeling about his soul. For those who don't know, Chris has spent the best part of the last six months or so in deep grief over his beloved dog Zeke, first as Zeke got sicker and sicker, and then through the horrible choices of putting him down, and then lost for a while in the despair and bowels of grief over his closest friend's death. Indeed nearly 85% of all of Chris's post on the Creek in the last six months have been about Zeke, filled with Zeke, lamenting Zeke, including several mentions in the past week.

So perhaps my mentioning of Karl Rove has an analog. Karl is the hideous malignant tumor on the spiritual soul of the this nation. He is getting more and more enlarged, more and more dangerous with his power, and his control over this nation. If we do not interdict quickly and effectively (and very soon) this cancer known as Karl will devour this nation, this American Soul. It has already poisoned so much of our body politic, and has matasticized throughout the core structures of the Federal government. Rove is the AID's virus of cancers, hiding as pieces of his tendrils are cutout/cutoff, always able to avoid even the merest taint of contact with attempts to remove him and his disease. Karl is the death of this nation.

And for that i grieve, deeply and passionately. I grieve more for the American Soul than Chris does for his dog. I love this country, i love: its people, its incredible natural beauty unlike that of any other continent on the Earth, its music and cultural vitality, its remaining indigenous populations, its specialness and uniqueness of development, its never ceasing to amazeness. But it is dying at its core. It is spiralling into a pathology that can only lead to death. I grieve for all of the generations of children across the Earth who have, through media, been exposed to the virus that is killing this country: the one party corporate fascist rule of the neo-feudal lords of capital, hell bent on killing America and pillaging the Earth. I am horrified that i feel this way, and realize that i will never not see that happening for the rest of my life.

So yes Chris, i do seem to mention it all the time. Think of me as someone like yourself, grieving ever too deeply for a lost loved one.