You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Thursday, October 28, 2004

explosives, voter fraud, media spin hype=time to revolt

Those towers were not just a locus of financial power, but even more so of iconographic power—the most valuable currency in this information age. How is that kind of power gathered and reproduced? In the same way financial capital is gathered and reproduced: moguls centralize and monopolize it by impoverishing others of the sense that their life has meaning, thus forcing them to buy in to their mass-produced meanings. For example: people in small town America watch television instead of talking with each other, just as indigenous peoples outside the U.S. seek sweatshop employment, because it seems to be the only game town. This isn’t natural—for the mass-manufactured alternatives to appear desirable, those television watchers have to have lost the intimate connections and ongoing projects that would have brought them together off their couches, just as the natives have to have had their traditional lifeways destroyed by conquistadors. Disneyland is as fun as Des Moines is dull, just as Michael Jordan is as rich as a Nike sweatshop worker is poor—these are not coincidences. Economic exploitation and media domination are essentially the same process, carried out on different levels.

So in terms of the war for sense of self that has gone on between us and mass media for generations now, September 11th, 2001 saw an act of superlative terrorism carried out against every one of us: not just in the hijacking and crashing of the planes, but in the way the event was used to hijack and crash the budding sense that we could determine reality for ourselves. This consolidated power in the hands of the U.S. government, among others, who used it to further paralyze and distract people by starting a series of controversial wars.[3] In a time when the hierarchical elite was anxious to come up with a new false dichotomy to distract everyone from the fundamental struggle between power and people, nothing could have been more opportune.

The question, now—the ultimate question, on which all life hinges—is how we can once more reframe the terms of this conflict. It is not a question merely of peace versus war: the decade of “peace” that led up to the September 11 attacks was sufficiently bloody to persuade a generation of suicide bombers that it was worth dying to get revenge on the West, and a new peace under the current conditions would be even more treacherous. Nor can we cast this as a conflict between ideologies: we cannot afford to be armchair quarterbacks any longer, backing our favored teams or themes against others while bullets and bombs rain randomly into the stands. The question is—always is, no matter who is dying or killing, no matter what is said on television—what we can do ourselves, what we make of our lives, how each of us interacts with global events in our daily decisions. Our opponents are those who would hinder our efforts and obscure this question for their own ends, who would rather rule over a world of passive spectators wracked by terror and war than take a place among equals acting to correct the injustices that provide justifications for politicians and terrorists alike.

Everyone knows, if it were up to us there would be no more wars, no more exploitation, no more terrorism. It is up to us.

CrimethInc. Workers’ Collective, election year 2004

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

bend over backward, get screwed from in front

bend over forward, get screwed from behind--it doesn't matter with Bush/Cheney in power, we are all getting screwed. for today, all i have to say is:

Swift and Steady Sabotage

Last week, the Washington Post reported thirty-four Superfund projects in 19 states will go unfunded this year. The Environmental Protection Agency acknowledged that Superfund, which is the government's toxic waste cleanup program, is now nearly bankrupt. Why are these crucial sites being neglected? Carol Browner, the administrator of the EPA from 1993-2001, explains, "Because the fees that are used to pay for these cleanups are no longer being collected." In a sop to the oil industry, the Bush administration ended the tax on corporate polluters that funded the program by refusing to ask Congress to reinstate the fee oil and chemical companies paid that generated the money for cleanups. This is part of an overall pattern of a swift and steady sabotage of environmental safeguards.

THE ENVIRONMENT AT A GLANCE: A new study by Knight Ridder, for example, found that the steady improvement in air and water quality of the past three decades "has stalled or gone in reverse in several areas" since January 2001. Specifically, Superfund cleanups of toxic waste fell by 52 percent; fish-consumption warnings for rivers doubled; the number of beach closings rose 26 percent; civil citations issued to polluters fell 57 percent; asthma attacks increased by 6 percent; and there were "record-low" additions to national parks, wilderness, wildlife refuges and the endangered species list. (For a look at how your state stacks up with health, safety and the environment, check out American Progress's new interactive map.)

LETTING THE INMATES RUN THE ASYLUM: The Washington Post reports that the chemical industry has given $2 million to the EPA for a study supposedly "exploring the impact of pesticides and household chemicals on young children." (For those of you keeping track, the American Chemistry Council is the same group that fought against the finding that wood treated with arsenic shouldn't be used in playground equipment.) The EPA already has a $572 million research budget; no word on why the agency needed to take money from the chemical industry to conduct an independent study. The EPA admits the money means "We will seek their opinions." Carol Henry, a vice president at the American Chemistry Council, also acknowledges the association has set up a board of hand-picked academics and industry officials to be a "resource to investigators," adding, "We'll give them our guidance." (The administration has a track record of allowing corporations to call the regulatory shots; check out this comprehensive report about the special interest takeover.)

DRILLING AWAY THE WILDERNESS: President Bush has claimed, "I guess you'd say I'm a good steward of the land." Not really. According to the Los Angeles Times, environmentally damaging policies put in place by Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton take away the safeguards which for decades have protected potential wilderness areas. Even more egregious, the administration claimed that the Department of the Interior "is barred – forever – from identifying and protecting wild land the way it has for nearly 30 years." In effect, "The administration is giving industry virtual carte blanche to look for oil and gas wherever it wants outside of existing parks and wilderness areas." The Washington Post points out that President Bush has "approved about 70 percent more drilling permits on public lands during the first three years of his administration" than the three preceding years. And, writes the New Yorker, "By stripping away restrictions on the use of federal lands, often through little-advertised rule changes, the Administration has potentially opened up sixty million acres, an area larger than Indiana and Iowa combined, to logging, mining, and oil exploration."

GLOBAL WARMING: A top NASA climate expert yesterday joined a long line of scientists in criticizing the Bush administration for its disregard of science. Dr. James E. Hansen, who has twice briefed Vice President Dick Cheney's task force on global warming, charged, "In my more than three decades in government, I have never seen anything approaching the degree to which information flow from scientists to the public has been screened and controlled as it is now." Hansen also "said the administration wants to hear only scientific results that 'fit predetermined, inflexible positions.'" Specifically, he charged the White House edited reports that outline the potential dangers of global warming to make the problem appear less serious. "This process is in direct opposition to the most fundamental precepts of science," he said. "This," he warned, "is a recipe for environmental disaster."

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

the moral is the morale/is there motive in the motif

seven days and know one knows for sure what is going to happen. rampant speculation is the watchword of the media, as they refuse to engage in any serious discussion of what is likely to happen over the next couple of months. clearly the adminstration will do everything in its power to stay in power, but it will also strive to consolidate its gains if it should clearly lose the white house. this means lame duck appointments and pardons and ramping up war in the mid-east and so forth.

what most people fail to even begin to comprehend is how bad this can all get. the future prices of crude oil will become the current prices in less than a month. that means amounts will move up close to 50% at the pumps.. the shock alone of this will be alarming to those who voted, more so to those that didn't. the world's economy will begin to deflate if bush is reelected or takes power in some other way. this deflation will represent efforts by global capitalists to pull out as much of their paper wealth as they can and convert it into assets more sustainable. the reinvesting will not occur in the US. citizens will be striken with flu and other viral attacks and the health care system will be overrun with need and unable to cope. likewise, schools will become ghostlands and suffer horrendous economic hardships as a result. all of this is of course preventable, but it isn't likely as the financial markets will reel from the shock and trigger further chaotic collapses in local and regional systems. people won't be albe to afford to go bankrupt.

bladerunner, handmaids tale, snowcrash, virtual light?? all tell us how we will be living the next few years.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Kerry vs. Bush: Nixon-Humphrey redux.. mmm

i woke up this morning thinking about how we are fighting the sixties again and how forgetful we have been about that time in this nation's history. the other day a female student was killed while enjoying herself in the middle of a large group of fellow students and revelers who were perceived by the cops as violating their authority. the UMass student was shot with a bean bag shotgun and died; the officer shooting at her head, against department policy. police killing students, this time celebrating a win in baseball, goes well back to the sixties when students were killed. first individually at UCSB and Berkeley and Columbia and Boston and so forth, then later in numbers at Kent State and Jackson State. US citizens, operating under the authority of the cloak of government felt justified in killing, shooting down, murdering fellow citizens for their expression of their political beliefs.

How soon will this happen again? For it has begun; begun in Kerry's home state. Coincidence or not, it is the trademark of the fascists that run this country, that have run this country. They are taking it to us. will we let them get away with it again? i sure hope not.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Nihil est--in vita priore ego imperator Americanus fui.

the Ron Suskind piece in New York Times Magazine may be one of the most interesting pieces of the Bush jigzaw puzzle, but the terry gilliam phone call from God was more right on. we are on the verge of experiencing something so extraordinary that given the degree and level of the chosen path of ignorance by the majority of the population it may transcend even the worst of the worst case scenarios. as a nation we can become something that has never ever happened before in the entire saga of societal organizings from the earliest pre-historic periods in africa and asia.

approximately 1.5 million individuals will use coercion to kill civil rights and liberties, threats of economic recession/depression to reduce counter threats of rebellion, and a police state to control 300 million people who will be forced by their own choice of ignorance to use and abuse all of the resources of the planet under the false premise that if they do not they will have miserable and meaningless lives. these 300 million in turn will in essence control the quality of life for 6.2 billion other people. all of this will be done under the vision of a small cadre of men who feel that they have the divine right to do as they please. what they please to do comes from intuitively feeling whatever they choose and calling that faith and then asserting that they have the power to will this faith based reality into existence and that all else must fall down, bow down before it. i mean this is serious stuff, and they are serious, and there is no god that can come between them and their own envisioning of themselves as gods. and yet, a significant percent of the adult population of the US finds this perfectly acceptable. now isn't that just dandy.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

God for them, ain't peace for us

"In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in Esquire that the White House didn't like about Bush's former communications director, Karen Hughes, I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush," journalist Ron Suskind writes. "He expressed the White House's displeasure, and then he told me something that at the time I didn't fully comprehend - but which I now believe gets to the very heart of the Bush presidency. The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality - judiciously, as you will - we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.'"

this sort of thinking leads to this sort of happy responding: stopping in occasionally on this cesspool of self righteous hypocrisy ,censorship ,hippy fascism and self (american ) flagellation only makes me more eager to get out the vote for BUSH!

the idea that simply accepting on some sort of distorted view of eschatological epistemology that various components of the political landscape will be this way or that way, disregarding totally any factual or artifactual objective reality based constructs. to act from a place of dreamstates, the notion that each individual creates their own continuum of reality where all other relational constructs are dependent in all respects on the dreamer, in leading a powerful nation on this planet risks not only the well being of the human population in one's own nation as well as the rest of the planet, but also every single other species of every kingdom of living . we are in serious danger. these people have no operant theological premise except that power manifests itself through them.. if ever there was a mind virus this is it.. a hideous and horrible viral entity that replicates itself through creating disbelief sufficient to reinput nonsensical frames of reference that are not questioned or evaluated..

Friday, October 22, 2004

iktomi winyan wan lila winyan waste yuza shakhe

there were several news stories today about the degree of ignorance of the electorate. these combined with such memorable idiocies as the american sex survey and the killing of a student at UMass Amherst by police using "non-lethal" weapons exhibit the singular causal mechansim for the WWF's living planet report for 2004. The earth is in deep doo doo and the people are literally too ignorant to know it. how is it possible for more than 30% of those saying they are voting for Kerry also say that iraq had WMD and that Iraq was involved in 9/11 with al qaeda? how can reporters allow tom delay to public say in a press conference that the ethics committee dismissed charges against him when they wrote three letters of admonishment and are holding a fourth possible censoring or reprimand while three criminal investigations continue? how could diane sawyer ask some of the most inane questions of people, knowing full well that the questions were intensely biased and judgemental in both context and constructs? how can ron suskind report:
"In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in Esquire that the White House didn't like about Bush's former communications director, Karen Hughes, I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush," journalist Ron Suskind writes. "He expressed the White House's displeasure, and then he told me something that at the time I didn't fully comprehend - but which I now believe gets to the very heart of the Bush presidency. The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality - judiciously, as you will - we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.'"
folks, look, they are admitting they are making it all up. that they construct realities on whims and have lost all possible sense of what is real. doesn't any one care?

the planet is in horrible shape, and these folks have the willingness to suspend all conneciton with that reality and believe that they are in heaven or at least manifesting it. "we create our own reality" wow.. so the earth isn't messed up, and iraq is going so smoothly it is hard to tell, and the universe is tidy and god talks directly to limbaugh and bush and so far forth... this is nuts.. really really nuts..

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

thirteen days... that's all folks..

what is going to happen in 13 days?? that seems to be a critical question for so many. i want to ask what is going to happen in 92? how is this all going to play out? how are the backers of Bush going to manipulate computerized statistical data to restructure the election in favor of their own electoral college victory? how are they going to keep the electoral college from not certifying this election this time??? what sorts of threats and coercion are they going to use on the citizens of this country. bring the full-time army home and keep the national guards overseas so that they can use the army to stop the protests that would be engendered by stealing the election.

yes folks, the next 92 days are going to be whopppers.. because in 92 days a president is supposed to be sworn in on the steps of the capitol... will that happen in ways that make the world slightly safer and healthier? or one that is decidedly more horrific and nightmarish? it doesn't matter which happens really, because shortly thereafter the world is going to experience some sort of reverberations as the situation in iraq and the middle east will become much more volitile.. it won't matter which, the islamic world is just about reached its point of intolerability of US presence. israel will have to act against iran and suffer all of the consequences of that action, without the basic structural support of the US. yes.. a hundred days from now we will all know that the future isn't going to be brighter, but paler and less joy filled.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Sic faciunt omnes.

they--the inimitable they--are marginalizing and restructuring the job markets in the US. this is not a good thing at all. what it seems to be doing is making sure that more and more people are no longer functionally qualified to work in the tasks that are available. thus, as time wears on, more and more people will be willing to sacrifice more and more to work for less and less. this represents the three goals of the neo-cons: first, get rid of minimum wage laws; second, get rid of workman's comp, unemployment coverage, and health benefits; third, make sure there will be a slave wage available underclass to do the really shitty work when the rest of the world starts to refuse to do ours for us.

they are accomplishing this in a number of ways..
the most invidious is the drug-free workplace reality. take away the capacity for all of those in the population who have marginal experience with drugs. this is cognitive slavery at its worst; insuring the corporations that they will have compliant coercable employees who will immediately bend to the will of the bosses.
then there is the don't hire if the person has bad credit policy. ostensibly to challenge some form of "responsibility failure" this is really about further marginalizing the poor out of the work space. by insisting that all employees have good credit the employers are able to control the flow of capital between themselves and identify sources of profits and minimize losses that would occur through investments. of course this policy also means that more and more people will declare bankruptcy and force more and more smaller creditors to suffer at the expense of the large ones. we don't have geniuses working here.
next is don't let people drive or work who are behind in child support. this is a real nutball policy, guaranteeing a class of the male population who will be quickly identified for incarceration and slave labor. i know that soon the STATE will make it a punishable crime to be unable to pay and then put these people in correctional facilities that have contracted corporations operating and force the guys to work to pay their child support.. what a great way to get a workforce for the next ten to eighteen years.. and always a steady flow.
quite possibly, the least noticeable but highly indicative policy is the ever present computerized programming of the testing processes. employers can target extremely specific data into the proper response streams and literally pick who they want to pick out of large groups. this is not unlike the pentagon's selective bidding process where those that pay the corruption get the jobs. and there is absolutely no traceable or targetable malfeasance. yes indeed the US workplace is quickly becoming something so draconian and vile that i can't imagine why more and more people aren't taking it down from the inside..

Monday, October 18, 2004

Visne saltare?

when the flu season actually hits this year it will be very interesting to begin to discern the relationship between the various strains moving through the population and the various vaccines that did and did not get issued. while it would be simply amazing if fewer people got sick because there were less people vaccinated and thus more people took better care of themselves, it still might be true that part and parcel of this "crisis" is that it has been manufactured, created for a purpose.

the FDA and CDC knew the chiron plant in england was contaminated.. but with what?? what was the issue of contamination? and they also know that plants in canada have lots of vaccine but won't let them into the country... so we can only surmise, as is usual about these folks, that it is all about money.. but maybe there is something more... are we prepared to allow hundreds of thousands of sick citizens to move about our cities.. or are we being prepared for massive quarantines and FEMA based restrictions.. limiting the mobility of populations when the Bushies do whatever it is they will do to remain in power if they can't manipulate the election?? mmmmm just something to think about... isn't it..

Saturday, October 16, 2004

idiot badges... we don't need them

i have always thought that bumper stickers are not much more than idiot badges. you know, hey look at me, i have something stupid to say on my car. for years i have been baffled by some that people seemed to have been compelled to put on their cars. for example during the 2000 campaign some local had put one on his truck that said that Gore was responsible for Hanoi Jane. i was flabbergasted. where could anyone possibly make that connection? now of course in retrospect it seems it was merely a prophetic vision of the various repugs efforts to attack kerry and liberals in general. but really, seriously, Hanoi Jane. at the time that story wasn't even a big deal, except for that super-fascist robert KKK dornan, who set out to burn books, films, magazines, records and such. lovely dupe he was: the o'reilly of the 60's.

yesterday, i saw one that reminded me of how idiotic some people truly are. "this vehicle and road made possible by mining" yeah... sure... and the point is???? the driver of this vehicle is a earth killing fascist pig who doesn't give one iota about any other human being whatsoever. money money money... a road and a car, neither of which are necessary for living. just for money.. and particularly money that destroys the planet... but let's deconstruct it a little more.. derrida honorariums..

the vehicle in question is toyota pick up... so we have not only domestic mining but also overseas mining, which is more pollutive... we have imported oil, electronics, steel products, rubber, and technology. so here is a person, claiming that mining is a key component of his lifestyle and insisting that his is also ours.. ignorantly supporting systems that are detrimental to his own economic welfare... yes indeed.. hello, idiot driving car here.. get a clue, don't tell us how idiotic you are..

Friday, October 15, 2004

Cave ne ante ullas togatos ambules.

as the morning comes and leaves, the days between are getting stranger and weirder. the levels of deceipt and outright misanthropic ethics are at an all time high. insurance companies defrauding the insured? but why is that sometime of surprise. they are by nature and profit designed to do so. it is their business.

who has any access whatsoever to actuarial data analysis? who could do the basic research in the first place to discern whether or not the actual data exists by which the insurance groups determine their profitability versus their payout. obviously they cannot accurately account for Acts of God, like hurricanes and tornadoes outnumbering any other year in history. unless.. yes unless they know, which would mean they understand the modelling probabilities of global warming phenomena. and when it comes to auto coverage, the basic factors are still not free from intense variability. those amazing studies they did at UC Berzerkely showed that humans driving cars is accomplished through a series of assumptions that are not in any possible way rational or statistically predicable. yet we drive and the insureres determine the level and degree of risk that they must assume in order to continue to make profit. who gets to challenge them?

we spend nearly a trillion dollars a year as a nation, at every level on insurance.. it has to be profitable, or else there would no longer be those who invest in risk, a form of gambling that is no different than lottos or the numbers rackets... it is an industry that uses its $$ to fight regulation and to eliminate more and more risk. now we find out that they have been "cheating" at it.. well duh...

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Mihi ignosce.

when this whole campaign is over in less than three weeks, we will find the nation not breathing very comfortably. what usually occurs is a relaxation and resolution to the stressful chaos of the rhetoric and lunacy of politics. but not this time around. people are still going to be embittered and embattled in constant factional fighting. those who have vested tremendous amounts of personal capital into accepting lies and deception as faith and just righteousness, will spew venom and vitriol if they suddenly begin to perceive themselves as losers. and likewise, those that have spent time and resources trying to stop the onward christian soldier march of fascism from taking over the US, will completely freak if they find they are on the losing end. there just won't be a win win situation out of all of this. well except for the wealthy for whom none of it matters at all.

i was pondering the other day about that typical conservative position--"what's wrong with the patriot act and all the other laws? If you aren't violating any of them you have nothing to worry about!" it came about from the same strand of thought that gave us that inherently evil suggestion that even if you don't believe in god, just in case he does exist isn't it better to accept him anyway. what a crock... these folks just don't understand the concepts of freedom and liberty. they only see the world as a concrete manifestation of material acquisition and relative value wealth. take away all of their precious commodities and they would stagger under the unimaginable gravity of a consciousness black hole. nothing ain't worth nothing but it's free.... the ability to consume replaces the freedom of consciousness and thought. as long as this nation has access to resources and the economic capacity to keep the public spending and wasting them, real freedom will not exist. real civil liberties will be trampelled. real civil rights will be extinguished. in a culture where all value is equated with $$$$, freedom, for which there is no price, is worthless.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Vidistine nuper imagines moventes bonas?

two great stories today. the US Supreme Court decides to hear the cases regarding the posting of the Ten Commandments in public sphere, and the FCC fines Fox Broadcasting for airing a program that suggested sexual activity. taken together, and accompanying the FCC's refusal to stop Sinclair Broadcast Group from airing a campaign commercial as "news", we see that indeed the elements of a major fascist coup are already in place. i am totally baffled by the ten commandments. i mean do these people read them in the first place. if they practiced them we wouldn't be needing to worry about seeing them in public. but alas it seems that the holier than thous are willing to sin against the third one in order to facilitate a take over of this country. well that and the sixth and seventh and a few others too.. which should alarm everyone.

likewise the FCC's pursuit of sexual matters, albeit highly trivial ones that only affect the poorest citizens, demonstrates the sickness inherent in their perversities. what sinclair is going to do is truly obscene but they are being encouraged by the FCC to go ahead and do so. the premise being that the FCC will remain in place capable of controlling the viewing habits of the poor for a long time to come. hell the rich don't want the poor to think or act in a sexual way. big brother is watching out for us.

i am starting to get scared now. this is reaching a level of intrusion that has heretofore been unheard of in the US. Fascism is ever present and ever more dangerous each day. the signs are all around us and yet more and more people are ignoring them. this ain't cool people

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Ventis secundis, tene cursum.

The United States is violating international law by holding prisoners in its war on terror incommunicado and in secret hiding places, Pakistan on Tuesday successfully test-fired a medium-range, nuclear-capable missile that would be able to hit most cities in neighboring India, but defense officials said the test was not intended as a message to its South Asian rival. "The new version of the Ghauri V missile, which was test-fired today, has a range of 930 miles, and can hit most cities in India," a senior defense official told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. The United States will put off major offensives against insurgent strongholds in Iraq — deemed crucial to the legitimacy of January elections — until after the Nov. 2 American vote, a newspaper reports. Commanders are not being told to stop operations, but no major new thrusts are planned. The Los Angeles Times reports administration officials say the delay is being observed because the offensives could impact the U.S. race. Waiting also gives negotiations with tribal leaders more time.

oooh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day. my oh my ain't this da zippity do dah man

Monday, October 11, 2004

Arachnis meus id comedit.

getting a grip on the electoral madness isn't quite so easy. there seems to be this ongoing stream of consciousness that underlies the whole thing that vibrates the string of that same note: we are winners. it is like playing lotto, or who wants to be a millionaire, or where is my golden parachute. no matter how liberal the liberals they will always capitulate to the conservatives when it gets down to $$$$. that is because they have been taught since an early age to be afraid of financial failure... we all need to get over it. course one of the best ways is to use $$ to travel to countries with residual indigenous populations and huge pockets of poverty and realize that when you got nothing you go nothing to lose.

in so many ways this election is about money. it is about resources required to maintain a failing economic system. this goes the heart of the matter. the increase in cocaine and heroin access is all about converting the flow of money out of the electronic and into the cash. the outsourcing of jobs is a trade off against the huge trade deficits that if not handled this way will bankrupt the US economy. the loss of energy resources will decimate the flow of capital and leave millions of US citizens famished and some even without water... so no matter how you view the election, there will always be this underlying message that certain things have to happen regardless of which party is in place.

this means that for most of the people $$ are more critical than environmental habitat. and that my friend is the saddest truth of all.. people of the US will not give up their abuse of the ecosystems and watersheds around them until they are gone because only then will they discover they now have nothing upon which to sustain themselves.. this is gonna be one damn ugly future in 20 or so years.. i am so grateful i won't be here for it.. and so saddened that my own children, friends, and relations will be.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Di! Ecce hora!

pets... freaking ass weird behaviors for humans to undertake. we here in the US spend billions of dollars each year to provide the most pampered life possible for a variety of species, a life so unique and special that nothing like it exists anywhere else in nature.
pets represent a revolutionary step in creating an evolutionary niche for some species. rather than being forced to life lives as their cousins in relation to all other aspects of GAIA, pets unlike humans even have no need whatsoever to experience the challenges of living for survival and reproduction. i was watching buzzards the other day, and ravens too. young yearling vultures look quite stunning. they retain all of their plumage and are clean and quite pleasant looking creatures. likewise young ravens are carefree and happy and without flaws. no so for those even just the slightest bit older. they are thrashed. both species lose many feathers, have scars and injuries, are dirty and unkept. it is the nature of being alive.

even the most careless and abusive human pet owner still takes better care of their animals than does the viable relationships of the natural setting. the "abuse" that is enforced on these people comes in the form usually of malnourishment and or encagement or some such. wow.. imagine how many millions of species across the planet suffer from malnourishment due to the impact of human toxification of environments. if we are talking about dogs and cats, imagine coyotes and wolves, lynx and panthers. starving to death due to loss of habitat and loss of food resources. this disconnect, punishing people for withholding grace and disproportional amenities and not punishing people for destroying and polluting.

where in the wildest stretch of the imagination does the US populace comprehend their complicity in encouraging themselves to take better care of their pets than their kids. pets most often get the food of their choices while kids, no matter how wealthy must suffer some negative feedback each day. pets are given options that are blissful in comparison to the options we give our kids. that just doesn't make sense. but we do it.. we encourage it, we celebrate it.

pets are these creatures that receive the blessings of pure supplication.. they are in so many ways the gods and goddesses within the temples of our daily behaviors. we give to them homage and love and precious resources .. and what do we get in return???? nothing, like war, absolutely nothing

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Mihi ignosce. Cum homine de arachne debeo congredi.

eeeeeekkk... no but really people. we have all been reduced to blithering about right and wrong and he said, s/he said and who's nuts or crazy. makes me happy i was reminded of wittgenstein in an essay this morning.

we need to start over with our thinking about the election. we need to start with our vision and ideal of just what makes a President/Vice President, Senator, Congressperson, State Governor, Representative. forming the ideal, the best possible "being" to embrace and take that role allows us to more clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of those from whom we get to choose. i need a president that is direct and forthright about what is really going on. i need one that does not feel the need to lie. our GAIA is very sick and needs huge healing. i need representation that takes that seriously and understands that all decisions reflect directly on this premise. i need representation that comprehends quantum dynamics in the sense of how all aspects of realities are interconnected, interwoven at the micro/nano levels and at the macro/universal scales as well. then the decisions that are made will reflect these relationships in their wholeness and not in their separatenesses. i need representation that leads in a dynamic and outspoken way to form consensus with the world and all of the constituents so that worldwide problems are expressed and identified and addressed. i need representation that fulfills the commitment we make to our children as they arrive in this reality that the world we leave them will be better and healthier and more sustainable.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Fac me cocleario vomere!

the struggle in today's news is the never ending ability of the media to deny the existence of the constant lies coming from the bush/cheney world. how can they continue to not only ignore these so glaring and obvious efforts at lying and deception, but also demonstrate support for them by lying about the lies as a way to spin them even further... some editor/producer must be laughing hysterically each day at each media outlet knowingly wink winking as the anchor or reporter or dj/vj pundit freak opens their mouths and spews yet another one... all knowing all too well what they are doing...

Cheney couldn't actually believe he was being truthful. so he had to know that all he was doing was creating talking points in the follow up media... i lied and they will talk about the lie and not the fact i did so and in the end the same Foxnews/Rush ditto heads will still have faith in my and my puppet george...

this is becoming hugely obscene.. the worst possible pornography ever...

Thursday, October 07, 2004

shame upon shame upon shame

Every tom dick and dennis can get his ethics and white tidies in a bunch, but for delay to express that the various findings of the House Ethics committee are the machinations of a "great left-wing conspiracy" is pretty much the most outrageous thing he could have said. not even erstwhile Fox news will be able to hide the fact that the Ethics committee, which voted unanonymously, is composed of more conservative rightwing republicans than even middle of the road democrat. delay has been so very proud of his ability to coerce money from lobbyists to direct various pieces of legislation all to improve the personal wealth of he and his compatriots. Given the Straussian nature of these antics it just seems to ludicrous to now suggest that his own brain has been taken over by the same virus as Ann Coulter or Laura Ingram.

here is a taste of some serious arachnoanarchy... stop buying stuff at retail prices. go into stores, pick out an item, go to the check out stand and leave one-half or one-third of the retail price at the counter. you have just purchased something at cost to the store and have not defrauded or stolen from the store. the store may try to charge you or have you arrested, but ultimately they would have to prove in court that you intended to steal the item, which by paying you didn't, or that you were doing something that they can't even being to figure out what you were doing. you could then subpeona the video of the transaction, claim in fact that the store clerk stole from the store the money you clearly are paying to the store and turn the tables on the whole transaction. if you really want to be able to do this with a profound sense of clarity, study the actual costs of each of the items you wish to obtain. evaluate the profit margins of these items, contact various social justice and economic justice groups and determine the proper valid living wage costs to the producer manufacturer and then subtract that from the retail price since it is not being provided by the corporations. for example Nike pays below living wage to the women and children who make their shoes, but charge 4000% markups on the items at their stores. deduct all of the potential real costs that Nike should and could have paid to labor, transportation, warehouse workers, store employees with no benefit packages, etc.. then pay the remainder. you have thus proven that Nike's profits are exhorbitant and come at the exploitation of workers at all levels and thus as an obscenity are necessarily unfit for the community in which you live. they have two choices, withstand the PR nightmare to hassle you in court, or let it go..

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

when hippies become corporate capitalists

out and about on tour this past week, and i spent some time in my old community hanging with the longhairs and hipsters. it was actually quite nice. listening to impassioned freestyle poetry slam rap lambasting the hierarchy of the Bush administration in its ever vigilant war on people of color. seeing ferlinghetti wearing a NO CARB DIET t-shirt he got from robert hass--under the word carb is spelled out: cheney, ashcroft, rumsfeld, bush.... exchanged anecdotal moments with the remaining original free speech movement activists who are as of yesterday celebrating the 40th anniversary of it all... and so forth...

one of the topics of discussion was the ever increasing disharmony and nastiness around what was once a great and progressive community radio station. it seems to be all about the fascism of corporatism. over the last decade a small cadre of $$ oriented individuals have taken control of the station, through using the authority given by the board to the general manager to make decisions. the overall station listenership has increased because of the availability of the signal transmission expansion, an event begun more than 20 years ago but when completed under the new GM it seemed to be solely his achievement. spinning, whether it be in DC or in small rural CA, accomplishes reiterization, or better, reification of the singular importance of one great man--at the expense of all else. accruing his hold on power and issuing mandates and policies and rules, the GM has allied himself with a small vested interest of former progressive hippie types who want $$$ from their work. dissatisfied with no wage DJ jobs this group has taken control of what is by law a non-profit community access station and are making efforts to sell it. they want what Amy Goodman's got. too bad they will never be that good, or that astute, or that progressive. petty bourgousie appartachiks they are indeed. making a mess of a great station, and spoiling the airwaves in pursuit of getting their greedy hands on other people's money. shame on them... they need to listen to what Utah Phillips says on that station about greed leading to rage.. greed is protected by $$ and fought with money... hippies and wobblies aren't greedy and they fight with time. money always runs out before time...