You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Sic faciunt omnes.

they--the inimitable they--are marginalizing and restructuring the job markets in the US. this is not a good thing at all. what it seems to be doing is making sure that more and more people are no longer functionally qualified to work in the tasks that are available. thus, as time wears on, more and more people will be willing to sacrifice more and more to work for less and less. this represents the three goals of the neo-cons: first, get rid of minimum wage laws; second, get rid of workman's comp, unemployment coverage, and health benefits; third, make sure there will be a slave wage available underclass to do the really shitty work when the rest of the world starts to refuse to do ours for us.

they are accomplishing this in a number of ways..
the most invidious is the drug-free workplace reality. take away the capacity for all of those in the population who have marginal experience with drugs. this is cognitive slavery at its worst; insuring the corporations that they will have compliant coercable employees who will immediately bend to the will of the bosses.
then there is the don't hire if the person has bad credit policy. ostensibly to challenge some form of "responsibility failure" this is really about further marginalizing the poor out of the work space. by insisting that all employees have good credit the employers are able to control the flow of capital between themselves and identify sources of profits and minimize losses that would occur through investments. of course this policy also means that more and more people will declare bankruptcy and force more and more smaller creditors to suffer at the expense of the large ones. we don't have geniuses working here.
next is don't let people drive or work who are behind in child support. this is a real nutball policy, guaranteeing a class of the male population who will be quickly identified for incarceration and slave labor. i know that soon the STATE will make it a punishable crime to be unable to pay and then put these people in correctional facilities that have contracted corporations operating and force the guys to work to pay their child support.. what a great way to get a workforce for the next ten to eighteen years.. and always a steady flow.
quite possibly, the least noticeable but highly indicative policy is the ever present computerized programming of the testing processes. employers can target extremely specific data into the proper response streams and literally pick who they want to pick out of large groups. this is not unlike the pentagon's selective bidding process where those that pay the corruption get the jobs. and there is absolutely no traceable or targetable malfeasance. yes indeed the US workplace is quickly becoming something so draconian and vile that i can't imagine why more and more people aren't taking it down from the inside..