You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Nihil est--in vita priore ego imperator Americanus fui.

the Ron Suskind piece in New York Times Magazine may be one of the most interesting pieces of the Bush jigzaw puzzle, but the terry gilliam phone call from God was more right on. we are on the verge of experiencing something so extraordinary that given the degree and level of the chosen path of ignorance by the majority of the population it may transcend even the worst of the worst case scenarios. as a nation we can become something that has never ever happened before in the entire saga of societal organizings from the earliest pre-historic periods in africa and asia.

approximately 1.5 million individuals will use coercion to kill civil rights and liberties, threats of economic recession/depression to reduce counter threats of rebellion, and a police state to control 300 million people who will be forced by their own choice of ignorance to use and abuse all of the resources of the planet under the false premise that if they do not they will have miserable and meaningless lives. these 300 million in turn will in essence control the quality of life for 6.2 billion other people. all of this will be done under the vision of a small cadre of men who feel that they have the divine right to do as they please. what they please to do comes from intuitively feeling whatever they choose and calling that faith and then asserting that they have the power to will this faith based reality into existence and that all else must fall down, bow down before it. i mean this is serious stuff, and they are serious, and there is no god that can come between them and their own envisioning of themselves as gods. and yet, a significant percent of the adult population of the US finds this perfectly acceptable. now isn't that just dandy.