You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Friday, October 08, 2004

Fac me cocleario vomere!

the struggle in today's news is the never ending ability of the media to deny the existence of the constant lies coming from the bush/cheney world. how can they continue to not only ignore these so glaring and obvious efforts at lying and deception, but also demonstrate support for them by lying about the lies as a way to spin them even further... some editor/producer must be laughing hysterically each day at each media outlet knowingly wink winking as the anchor or reporter or dj/vj pundit freak opens their mouths and spews yet another one... all knowing all too well what they are doing...

Cheney couldn't actually believe he was being truthful. so he had to know that all he was doing was creating talking points in the follow up media... i lied and they will talk about the lie and not the fact i did so and in the end the same Foxnews/Rush ditto heads will still have faith in my and my puppet george...

this is becoming hugely obscene.. the worst possible pornography ever...