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Friday, November 26, 2004

inflation up + dollar falls = fascism in US

Still, analysts say the overall tone for the dollar remains negative amid growing concern about the U.S. "twin deficits" – that is, the gap in the U.S. current account, the broadest measure of trade in goods and services, as well as the shortfall in the federal budget. Traders will watch for any further signs of reluctance among Asian central banks to close those gaps by buying U.S. Treasury securities

The US dollar fluctuates so greatly on the words of so few these days. In essence it really is already collapsed and is merely being conceptually propped up by the words of a few, in hopes that they can continue to deceive the masses that spending this x-mas is a reasonable response, rather than a huge and horrible mistake. Get real people. Save your money as it becomes more and more worthless each and every day..

It seems that as we move conceptually faster into the future those events that compose the historical narrative begin to shed layers of content. Few remember much of the cold war period and fewer the events between 1920 and 1941, especially overseas. But i am thinking that we need a refresher course on Euro hist post WW 1, in that much of the rise of the fascist states, not only in Europe and Asia, but also here in the US to a certain degree, grew not from belligerent posings or hate for other citizens, but rather from staggering inflation and huge global depression. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Franco, et al (there were fascist regimes all over South America as well) all came to power in nation's beset by near total economic collapse. Stalin was not a communist nor socialist, he was like his brethren, a pure totalitarian fascist. it was convenient and necessary, the people were so poor all they could care about was themselves and their families and their close friends. thus it was easy to create a police state based on fear of neighbors who might have more than you because somehow they were taking things from you that you deserved. Ironically the closest nation to an egalitarian socialist regime was the US and it too reeked of growing pervasive fascism.

We here in the US, now paying for wars that could go on indefinitely, are on the verge of experiencing such a scenario. It would be amazingly easy for the CABAL to push realities on the citizens that they would fully accept, given the results of the election, to institute a purely fascist state here. Indeed it may already be virtually impossible to stop them. It is easy to see how a few "news stories" and pundit remarks could provoke violence against the minorities in the US as a means of misdirecting the population from the actual causalities. The average US citizen already believes in unrealities too bizarre for even the simplest rational mind. How much further could they be led into accepting that the world is out to get them and they must do everything in their (yes indeed) God given power to break this evil and bring the kingdoms of the revealed apocalypse down on earth. I really fear that we are already sliding faster and faster along this slippery slope...