You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

my NaNoWriMo moment

Stella is not at home these days. If she was she would be buried in the morass that is her living breathing monadic representational construct of the cosmos that most would call a home, or at least a house. For Stella it is something much different. Stella Lazuli is the daughter of the Hunkpapa Lakota elder shirt wearer Sturgeon White Cloud, the full-blood spawn of 19000+ thousand years of a genetic connection with the core of the Great Mystery that other cultures have called GAIA and ?? She is a powerful woman, charismatic and assertive merely by standing in a space occupied by other people. Nearly six feet tall, strong and fit from a life of physical training and long distant running, her long nearly blue/black hair tied in two long braids at all times covered in otter skins appliquéd with lapis and garnet stones, a cut piece of meteorite embedded in a gold setting always around her neck—Stella is one of the foremost professors and researchers of spiritual human consciousness.

Her study/library reflects her intense interests in all things spiritual, and in the mystery of the Holy Other. The titles of books clearly show the profound texts of shamanic students and scholars in the History/ Phenomenology of Religions at the University of Chicago. The volumes include authors such as: Eliade, Bolle, Culianu, Wasson, McKenna, Sharon, Schultes, Weil, Capra, Baron von Bibra, Arden, Wilpert, Levi-Strausss, Suziki, etc.. Likewise her shelves are filled with videos of intellectual quests for meaning, and artifacts from around the world’s shamanic masters. The range of voices reflects: PBS documentaries of explorations of mind and spirit, feature films on shamanic transformations like Emerald Forest and White Dawn; commercial TV programming of scripts dealing with issues of change in personalities and forms of being including X-Files and Twilight Zone; and other products specifically created for learning at home. Her kitchen is lined with jars and containers of herbs and plant matter; a whole wall is shelved as an apothecary in the Chinese style, filled with various individual cabinets of herbs, animal parts, plants, etc. The majority of this pharmacopoeia represents homeopathic remedies for the entire range of human ailments from both the Chinese and indigenous native americans, and of course, the more legal ethno—psycho—pharmacologies, especially entheogens, for severely altering one’s state of consciousness including the precursors plants for DMT, mescaline Ayuhuasca, daturas and brugmansias, and other phenethylamine neuro—transformers. Entheogens are the class of various alkaloids from plants, fungus, and microbes that, when used by specialists, create powerful alterations in human consciousness leading to visions of relations with spiritual beings and aspects of creation.
Just off the kitchen is what was once a bedroom, but is now a very complete greenhouse ranging in climate and flora zone growth from tropical to temperate. A small antechamber is sealed as a fungi growing area in which most of the world’s most psycho—active fungi have representational spawn. Inocybe, Conocybe, Amanita, Stropharia, Panaeolus, Heimiella, Boletus, ergotamines, etc.,--are all well represented by their mycileum and fruiting bodies. The house seems to be a living organism, with dust free window corners where spiders move freely about their silky realms unencumbered. Her father was the shamanic alchemist Iktomi Hitunkala (Spider Mouse) of the Otter Clan whose relationship with arachnea of all species was deep and personal. He often pointed out that family Arachnea was one of the few GAIAN species which was represented from deep below the sea to high up in the life limiting troposphere.

Stella is not at home these days. She is high atop a strange and wondrous pinnacle in South Dakota known to the locals as Eagle’s Nest Butte. It is the most sacred of the hanblechia sites, as powerful an elemental spirit circle as there is on the planet. While the majority of Lakota vision quests were held on Bear Butte or deep in the Black Hills and Badlands, Eagle’s Nest Butte was reserved only for those who had demonstrated a profound relationship with Wakan Tanka, either through phenomenal mythical acts or revelations of spiritual manifestations. All shamanic beings commune on Eagle’s Nest Butte, a true sacred power center on GAIA.