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Monday, March 14, 2005

chinois et l'etats unit

<>The Bush administration said Monday that China's threat to use force to stop any Taiwanese move toward independence is an "unfortunate" development that could increase tensions in the region. "We view the adoption of the anti-secession law as unfortunate," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said. "It does not serve the purpose of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. We believe it runs counter to recent progress in cross-Strait relations."
Taiwan's ruling party responded to Beijing's anti-secession law Monday with a bill authorizing the president to use non-peaceful action in its defense. The Democratic Progressive Party's bill give President Chen Shui-bian sweeping powers to take measures including referendums without the Legislature's permission, the Taipei Times said. The party's draft states Taiwan issue is not a part of China's domestic affairs but an international matter, and it is necessary and urgent to swiftly enact counter-legislation to deter China's annexation efforts.
The opposition Taiwan Solidarity Union has also drafted a similar measure saying Taiwan has existed alongside China since the founding of the People's Republic of China Oct. 1, 1949, and states Taiwan is already an independent sovereign state and it is not an issue for Taiwan to declare independence or seek separation from China.

tSOOO we find two nations clearly opposed to one another, with specific agendas to use WMD's against one another. And the US has already proven that preemptive warfare is a necessary and appropriate way to affect global positioning. Thus it is not only conceivable, but entirely within the bounds of new world policies for one or the other of China's to take out the other. Bush of course has the audacity to suggest that that isn't appropriate. Why? Well geez, it isn't his to do, and if it isn't his way there is no way. One of the subtle stupid messages that is so easily and conveniently overlooked by those who suggest that these new democratic actions in the MidEast were a beneficial offshoot of the invasion, and justifying it. However, the principle reason for the illegal and unlawful, constitution violating invasion was to preemptively keep another nation from attacking us. That reason will always have to be taken into account. Otherwise, ponder the rationale for China removing the threat of Taiwan military weaponry if they were merely to suggest it was in the best interest of a "people's democracy!"