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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

cross the i's dot the t's the world's future is across the seas

Crude Oil Surges to Record on US Gasoline Inventory Decline
US 4th-Qtr Current Account Deficit Grows to Record (Update3)
US May Help India to Build Nuclear Power Plant
EPA's mercury rule attacked
whoa--could it be that as the US toxifies its own environment, impoverishes its population, undermines the general health and welfare of all of its citizens, assists other nations in building nuclear sites, invades more nations to control the flow of fossil fuels--- could it be that we are destined to become a pitiful third world nation like all the rest? Is there any question that china and india are the world's fastest growing economies and that japan is going to be more economically stable in its decline because they have a radically shrinking population? EU nations will be able to solve their minority culture issues more readily because they take care of their populations first, and have been doing so for a couple of thousand years.

The only missing element in all of this is South America. Seemingly overlooked by the bulk of the media and focus of the attention of the moneyed interests, the spin down south doesn't begin to do it justice. There are powerful movements set in motion to socialize and restructure corporate relations designed to increase the welfare of the poorest. Indeed the only nation that seems to care not one wit about its poor right now in the world is the US. Something to ponder and realize. Our poor will be intentionally made poorer, and unhealthier. Why???