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You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Sunday, May 08, 2005

Letan khigla yo

A little bit louder and a whole lot worse...
<>Scientists who accept evolution say the evidence for the theory is as solid as that for electricity and plate tectonics. They say intelligent design, the idea that the world's complexity is best explained as being the work of a creator, is a 21st-century version of creationism. But the ID community says they simply want all sides of the debate to be taught in the classroom. Teaching only intelligent design “is as bad as teaching only evolution. We're looking for an objective approach that looks at both sides.”
Really, an objective approach to the two sides of the "debate" between religion and science. What the hell does that mean? Maybe the question really needs to be asked of the ID community, just how much of their underlying philosophical theories are they willing to expose to a deep objective scientific inquiry?? Are they willing to propose a set of theological constructs regarding this "creator" of theirs to a wide ranging critical inquiry beginning with the validation of one creation story over several others. Why is the judeo-christian-islam story more valid than the hindu, or buddhist, or afro-brazillian voodun?? Are they willing to make their material available to the methods of science and an objective, historically factual investigation and evaluation? They will not, they cannot, they are unable to do this. There spew is all one big lie. Incapable as they are of articulating their own stupid scientific claims regarding something as "too complex" they certainly are never going to broaden their "other side" to the same rigid rules of science that are used to evaluate say the Mars rover experiments. What a bunch of crap.