You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

--Sona si doubleSpeak loqueris--

The U.S. Air Force has asked President Bush to issue a directive that would allow the military to place defensive and offensive weapons in space. A source described as a senior administration official but unnamed told The New York Times that such a directive is in the draft stages and could come from the White House in the matter of weeks. Such a move would supplant a 1996 order from President Clinton that sought a more peaceful role for space. The Times reported Air Force officials claim the directive won`t seek the militarization of space. Air Force spokeswoman Maj. Karen Finn told the newspaper: "The focus of the process is not putting weapons in space. The focus is having free access in space." The Pentagon has already spent billions of dollars in planning and weapons development or space, the Times said. Those plans would include new weapons and satellites that could serve either defensive or offensive roles.

Process is the operative term here. The USAF isn't asking to put weapons in space, they are asking for a process to create a directive that allows them free access to put weapons in space. Yes, indeed. And the fascists are jumping on the bandwagon for sure with this. Billions and billions of dollars to build space based weapons systems to not put them in space?? Of course they are going to put them up there. They already illegally have them up there and have had them there for a very long time. Nothing is new about intercontinental ballistic missles which of course move through the layers of the ionosphere. Nor is anything new about defensive laser based satellites, so really all they want is a piece of paper that says that they can do this publicly and openly and let the world know that we control it all. The US fascist constituency is shouting from the rooftops, in love with the premise of domination of the last arena open to us at the moment without competition. Of course in order to do this we would have to sacrifice millions of our own citizens to disease and pollution related syndromes, as we redirected healthcare dollars to space weapons. We would have to subjegate millions upon millions of US citizens of color and poverty onto reservations and let them cannibalize one another to provide the financial and energy resources to engage in such a program. But so what? That is what fascism is isn't it?? Selecting those that shall have and receive, and removing those that don't.