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Sunday, September 25, 2005

an interesting weekend

we are certainly living in some ugly times in this country, and yet, there are such beautiful people out there who seem to be able to glorify and magnify their humanity in the face of such evil. hundreds of thousands of citizens, maybe millions, stood out on saturday against the war in iraq and for the support of human beings. such a protest laid the table for a simpler debate. Are we, as a nation, happily moving forward in the direction of fascism and global military engagement, or are we as a people willing to make the world understand that we know our leadership is the most evil incarnate upon this planet in more than two generations? I give but one small example. Late news friday(outside the ability of the MSM to catch the story) reports that the Bush administration has decided that the only countries guilty of trafficing in children are those with which the administration wishes to conquer--north korea, iran, cuba---- now among those that Bush chose to claim had made "significant improvement" in their efforts to not kidnap and enslave children are Saudi Arabia, China and... wait for this..... Sudan! How could Sudan have improved its record--well there is that genocidal war going on there. Killing them all certainly qualifies as a means to not enslave and force work on kids or adults. It is sheer audacity and vugarity that this administration holds their own personal economic interests ahead of not only this nation, but the whole of the planet as well---what do the eleven countries that were let off the sanctions for this most evil behavior have in common---can you spell oil and holding US T-bills.