You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Friday, September 30, 2005

what non-human species?

it's the end of the world as we know it, but i don't feel so fine...

what the House did today constitutes an unconscienable act of aggression against the earth, when they passed the new bill to essentially end the Endangered Species Act. Of the several particulars of the bill that are beyond heinious, the two with which i have the most trouble are the ones that end science as a discipline and the placing of personal private property of one over the health and welfare of all.

To suggest that a political appointee, with virtually no experience in their department nor in any science other than the economy of political fundraising, will determine what is science and what is not science, is perhaps the most radical of faith based institutionization yet perpetrated on the US. I can see it now, the council of the cabal, meeting in their illuminati chairs hidden in the bowels of the secret pyramid beneath the capitol mall, reviewing the best political machinations for their empire building, deciding just what scientific truth they shall create this day. Waving wands in front of their cloaks they conjur a statement that becomes the law, not just politically and economically, but also for all objective constructs as well.

And the notion that one man's personal property is the absolute determinant of what is valuable about the planet and thus worth saving or not, creates the latest in Randian/Straussian horrors of oligarchic plutocratic fascist edictism. I am John Galt and i get to choose how the world lives or dies, and all in that world are subjects of my dominion. Aint' it grand. All i can say is that i am seriously rooting for the protists, monerans, and fungi to destroy the rest of the plant and animal kingdoms thus ridding the planet of humans for all time to come.