You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Monday, January 16, 2006

all the little eichmanns...

over the next few days i will post my reflections on LSD and the state of the planet, but today i offer a quick note on seeing the US from the outside.

A few years ago a dear friend of mine from Austria was struggling about whether to raise her son in a US Waldorf school or an Austrian one. She remarked that there was so much neo-Nazi fascism in her homeland and especially in the all white waldorf education programs there. She chose to stay in the US in what is a very multi-cultural program for the lily white community in which it exists. However i think her observation concerning neo-nazism is off the mark.

In Europe, the neos are very visible, and as such are the subject of conversation and chastisement. Debates about their presence and influence are constant and wonderfully erudite. In the US that is not the case at all. Indeed the US is filled with burgeoning fascist totalitarianism masked behind the banners of fear and threat. Millions of US citizens are willing to forgo all of their constitutional protections for the illusion of a secure state of national affairs. They are so willing to do so that they offer up every bit of their own economic security for it. The US is a nation of millions upon millions of little eichmann's waiting for the moment when they can unleash their own terror on their fellow citizens, when they discover that they have no money, no means of access to their needs, no control over their own lives, no power over their own politics, no rights, no liberties. They will turn on one another as the good little reich consumers they have been taught to be. They believe that Big Brother is the hand of their gods watching every move to protect them prior to the rapture. They support the nuclear destruction of all other nations that they are told (lied to) are threats to their well being, no matter how insanely ludicrous the reasons. The US will go down its own flaming wars of inter-cultural rivalries as believers in the GOP burn the houses of their neighboring Dems, or drive them off the road in rages hoping that the security forces will continue to kill threats as trivial as someone raising a political issue in a line waiting to checkout of a grocery store.

Someday, a hundred years from now, someone in a Euro or South American country will write about the neo-con fascist dictatorship that took control of the US with the willing robotic support of a hundred million brain dead fearful subjects. The story of the little eichmanns of the 21st century will be told as a warning to the planet's survivors moving forward into the 22nd century struggling with radiation, deadly toxicities, and too warm to sustain much life.