You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Thursday, December 02, 2004

joke of the day??

"Myron Ebell, the Competitive Enterprise Institute's director of global warming and international environmental policy, questioned the wisdom of basing scientific conclusions on computer models."

Now here is a thought provoking comment. This representative of the wealthy, suggests that science conducted by computer modelling is unwise and therefore not valid. If this were actually true we would probably be a happier, healthier, more bio-friendly planet. Given that the vast amount of scientific knowledge, especially in medicine and chemistry and physics all derives from, oops, computer modelling. Science has always and forever been about modelling. Mathematics is nothing more than representational symbolic modelling of various propositions about the structure of the perceived cosmos. This guy is an idiot.

The suggestion that we have not yet documented the scientific wisdom to support global warming is one of the more odious of notions. It can only be supported by the sustained greed of those whose livelihoods are based on generating greenhouse and other global warming catalysts. There is no time like the present to let these people know that they are all wrong. They are lying to us, knowingly and willingly, just as their political brethren during the campaign. They know they are being paid to tell us untruths. We must reject them totally and completely. now and forever.