You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Dulce bellum inexpertis.

The metaphoric representation of politics as a scaled pendulum swinging freely between this or that position, may be valid, only so long as the pendulum swings. When it stops, there would be the supposition of balance and the presentation of equilibrium, that, by virtue of all known human relations, would not be possible. The swing can be rhythmic and non-precessive, as well as delicately focussed between two clearly opposed views and so forth. This would happen when the mass of societies are understanding of the implications of holding those views and the presentation of authorities in voicing them in non-threatening manners. None of this applies to now.

We live in a time, that if the metaphor holds, the pendulum is swinging highly erratically, highly chaotically. Forces of great complexity are expressing enormous energies along vectors that are neither aligned, nor harmonious to well being and balance. I think all of this stems from one common causality. There are no leadership type entities who have a clue on what is going on. NONE, zippo, nada. They would like others to think they know, or even would like the comfort of thinking that they know, but none do. Noone knows when the next act of freaking earth inspired terror will come. None know when the delicate propping up of currencies and energy based economies will come to a screetching halt. Not a soul understands the totality of implications of policies mandated. So we get thousands upon thousands of short term actions, all eliciting energies that are counter to anything that can be remotely considered good. If we take any single one of these policy threads we discover that very quickly the manifestations of these all lead to a destructive affect. In toto, the one single point at which the pendulum of political ideas will achieve stasis is when it is all destroyed. Unfortunately, none of those believers will attain rapture, none of the victims will be acknowledged for suffering in vain, none of those responsible will be held accountable. It is simply all becoming dead.