You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Monday, April 04, 2005

Tanyan yaun he?

No not really! I was just thinking about five to ten years down the road when the following policies have had their full effect and the nature of the disparity of haves and have nots in this country is at its greatest.
But even so, today's story highlights the wild-eyed ferocity with which he has persecuted the labor movement. For instance, right-wing appointees to the National Labor Relations Board announced that they're taking aim at card-check recognition: the fairest and fastest process for workers to demonstrate they want a union. He dissolved the labor-management partnership councils – a key measure to give workers more input in federal contracting. He repealed workplace ergonomic standards that were designed to prevent worker on-the-job injuries. And the administration actually intervened to block a California law that said employers couldn't use taxpayer money to run anti-union campaigns in the workplace.

This, of course, says nothing about Bush's refusal to support a serious increase in the minimum wage, his unending support for corporate-written free trade deals that sell out American jobs, his hearty endorsement of outsourcing, and his desire to allow companies to unilaterally change their pension system to screw workers. Nor does it say anything about how his administration has given secret sweetheart deals to Wal-Mart, essentially giving the most anti-union company on the globe a free hand to continue its abusive union busting practices.

labor in no longer organized in any way with the exception of the various slaveries imposed by depression, economic bankruptcies, few jobs at next to nothing pay, millions upon millions homeless and with out food willing to work just to eat on environmental clean up farms and hazardous wastes sites and such. WalMarts will only be selling to the upper classes who still can afford the cheap shit from China. There will be few if any manufacturing jobs and the service sectors will be composed of what was formerly public governmental functions now taken over by private groups who support the infrastructure of the haves. Whole regions will become have not zones, fenced with electric barbed razor wires to keep them in where they literally and figuratively cannibalize one another. yeah we really need to get rid of labor unions alright.