You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Le Christeyi tokeske eyapi he?

"This is not a Democrat- Republican issue; it is a liberal-conservative issue," Rick Scarborough, a former Congressman, a Baptist minister, and chair of the Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration, sponsor of the gathering, said in an interview. "It's about a temporal versus eternal value system. We are not going away." While conservatives have long accused liberal judges of making, rather than interpreting, laws, Massachusetts' adoption of gay marriage last year and Schiavo's death last week have magnified their fury. Whereas before they complained about "judicial arrogance," speakers this week accused courts of "gang violence" and waging "unholy war" -- and drew applause when they called for the removal of judges who believe that interpretations of the US Constitution should change with the times. Representative Lamar Smith, Republican of Texas and a member of the House Judiciary Committee, called the situation "a crisis."

It is imperative that we visualize, we construct, we manifest a picture of this nation if these people were to have their way. We need to get this vision out into the general media, the MSM, so that the citizens of this nation have an accurate way to measure just what these people want to do with the US. Picture a country controlled by extreme fascist evangelical christians. Who would be left alive. Death squads for jesus would roam the streets killing any and all persons who do not fit the prototypical evangelical fundamentalist impassioned zealot. These people are already turning on their own conservative brethren, what would keep them from cannibalizing it all. Waging holy wars to end all wars against the barbarians and heathens across the planet. There is no logic in their mindset that would stop them from using nuclear weapons against all of the islamic and non-christian nations. They would be forced to destroy Israel, as part of their destined faith. They would be forced to take on China as a means to create a christian planet. But they would start here.

First they would fill the prisons with all of those that exhibit non-CCRR behaviors and tendencies. This would be determined first by profiling based on generalized stereotyping. Long haired males, short haired females, fashion conscious men, tomboy looking women, people seen smoking something other than US commercially made tobacco products, people not contributing tithes as ordered by government, anyone charged with any small petty crimes that victimized the CCRR people---all of these would be locked away, until the prisons were overflowing. Then they would start the killing. Claiming pestilence and disease as the hands of the judgemental apocalyptic lords they would fumigate the vermin, literally toxifying the prisons with pesticides and herbicides. Then they will turn that effort on the hungry mouths of the children of non-CCRR families and others. Without proper baptisms there will be no food deliveries. Simple effective strategy to enforce a future generation to adhere. Whenever protests and riots spark, full scale invasions will be launched, again through the wisdom of revelations, slaughtering and destroying the non-believers.

I wish this were fantasy, it were science fiction, it were something from long ago. But it is not. These people, with money and authority and military means, are serious about taking control of this country and destroying it to save it. Believe me when i tell you, we cannot continue to laugh at them. They are not just a simple joke of lunacy, they are a craven hideous evil that must be destroyed before they destroy this Earth.