You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Kikta yo' ye.

Conservatives on the State Board of Education have thrown the state back into the emotional debate over evolution as they consider science standards for statewide testing.

I can almost see the test. There are all these questions on the causality of the universe and of the history of the Earth. "The Earth was formed: a) 6000 years ago; b) 60,000 years ago; c) 600,000 years ago; d) 6 million years ago; e) 6 billion years ago?" The only correct response would be A of course, because the other dates are not representative of correlational "theories." Of course a vastly superior way to ask this question would be: "The Earth was formed: a) 6000 years ago; b) 600,000 eons ago; c) Heisenberg's theorum's input data descriptors; d) the unfolding of millions upon millions of aeons; e) 4.3 billion years ago?" Naturally all of these responses are correct, so therefore they must be a substantively better one, one that matches the vast majority of the evidence available-- E.

Now which of these questions do you suppose is most likely to show up on the Kansas statewide achievement testing for science in the public schools??