You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

can you say fascist police state little children??

Today's headlines contain this story??
President Bush said yesterday that he would consider using the military to "effect a quarantine" in the event of an outbreak of pandemic influenza in the United States. Responding to a question during a news conference, Bush also suggested that putting National Guard troops under federal, rather than state, control might be one part of a response to the "catastrophe" of an avian influenza outbreak. The president raised the same idea after Hurricane Katrina, suggesting that he is considering a greater role for the military in natural disasters.

Let's look into our little crystal ball together as we examine today's lead stories, shall we? Bush wants Miers on the court asap, to frame a minimum of a 5/4 majority under the leadership of Roberts to sustain any sort of virtual challenge to his authority as he prepares to unleash the final phases of the theocratic fascist state on the US. Following the construction of the new Iraq, whose security forces are populated by Shia militias performing a thorough removal of all Sunni opposition (killing all Sunni males between the ages of 4 and 60), the Bush administration will use the disruption of energy infrastructure and the continuing endless war on terror as a means to push for abandonment of all environmental regulations. This coupled with a new draft will frame a new resistance among the people which when the various "natural' calamaties come to fore such as the intentional release of the bird and swine flus of asian pedigree, will require the US to militarize and suspend all constitutional rights. The full military police state should be in control under Bushco no later than the Fall of 2006 in time to suspend the general election and maintain the current GOP control of all aspects of the US government. Since the Dem leadership will seek its own protection and survival it will fully support these efforts to privatize every aspect of infrastructure in the country whilst nationalizing every political constituency(counties, cities, regions, states). Then putting "governors" in charge handpicked from the religious zealots, death squads will initiate removal of citizens who are suspected of violating the curfew and quarantine laws eventually leading to larger and larger death camps out in the deserts and great basins depopulated of all other lifeforms.