You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Spero nos familiares mansuros

There are desperate times that require desperate measures, and there are desperate times that require due diligence in paying active involved attention. Then there are times that require both: immediately and substantively. These are now these times!!

Let us assume that there is a whirling pool of a large chaotic vacuum circling around the through the national leadership of the US. An empire built for 35 years to attain world dominance and national superiority through the complete takeover of the US government is crumbling. Created as it was through the well financed efforts of a small cadre of type A personality manipulators and con men, this empire required the cooperation of competing constituencies arranged through money and promises of fiefdoms, pledged by loyal unerring support for policies and practices that in some cases were detrimental to the coalition members.

Corporations were solicited to pay for this effort in exchange for the removal of laws, rules and regulations that restricted their unfettered abuse of the public weal. They received amazing service and are now free to destroy the planet, garner profits of unimagineable size free from taxation, and swindle and cheat the people without consequence.

The wealthiest 0.1% were given every possible opportunity to increase their wealth, as long as they contributed their political and campaign support to the effort, and have been blessed with the lowest taxation on record, the freedom to move about the planet, thus increasing the value of their currency assets through exchanging US $$ for other moneys, and remain immunized against any and all prosecution for their theft of corporate earnings.

The military was bought with taxpayer money doled out in massive heaps for the machines and technology of waging endless unlimited war and with substantive changes in policies that freed the leadership from political oversight of any kind or source in the world. New strategic plans were adopted to allow unlimited use of all military power(including nuclear attacks) against any perceived enemy who might be thought to desire to attack the US in the future.

Political capital was bought through using the slush funds generated by the conmen from various corporate and wealthy interests to purchase elections, control the vote counts, and solicit the interests and attention of a single block large constituency of conservative fundamentalist christians. They were promised to be given a nation built on their beliefs, free from intellectual challenge and non-christian ideologies and supported through the creation of laws and remaking the judiciary to criminalize all non-christian behavior.

I am sure i have left out other significant pieces of this empire building, but those above should suffice to inform you of just how out of control and dangerous the exploding chaos of Bushco will become. Collapse of the leadership will empower those that received these blessings in exchange for their loyalty to turn, not on themselves or fellow brethren, but on all of the rest of the people and the world. The military will see they have no limitations to act in their own best interests thus increasing and escalating war particularly in Asia through the use of nuclear weapons and space. The corporations will continue to off shore/out source their profits and move assets to other countries awaiting the massive depression in consumer capacity, engendered by bankruptcy laws so draconian that they put the well being of Enron ahead of child support. The wealthiest will continue to hire the best and brightest and most well armed security forces in order to protect their interests and consumate desires, using the new laws of florida to shoot and kill those that protest and threaten to expose them for what they are. The christian fascists will feel that they have been sacrificed along with the mass of the population and rise up with arms to take over their local and regional governments mounting a crusade against those perceived as sinners and already going to hell in the first place.

I wish i were wrong about this but i am not. WE are at WAR. Here in the US!. And if we don't take it seriously now, we will all lose.