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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Luta y eto... crypts and bloods...

How have we allowed the national debate to be turned into the battle between the crypts and the bloods?? We have red states vs blue states, red vs blue parties, red vs blue candidates. All we need is to add the bandanas and a few hand signals and we have fully reduced this nation to its primal gang war status. This sort of gang differentiation reduces discourse and discussion to the instant 'us vs them' banality, encouraging only the most tasteless vile and vitriol of bar fight mentality among even those who portend to be the non- ignorant.

Are we really just the crypts and bloods?? Are we just a collection of gangs that torment and harrass one another? Are we nothing more than a bunch of violent hoodlums exporting, almost solely, war and belligerance as the token tagging claims to resources as territory?? This must be creating hysterical laughter among the actual members of the red and blue flagged gangs.

While i am at it, Bravo channel had a week of idiot shows based on why it was good to be something that was not good. In essence why it was red to be blue in a sense. And among those strange assignations of symbolic foolishness, was the notion that the second best possible reason to declare one a "red staters"(bloods) was one's love for all things consumer jesus; and the number one reason was "that Elvis was more important than god." Now here is a network, under the onus of NBC/Universal logo which is a subsidiary of GE, saying that Elvis was more important than god in 2005! I wonder if there will be protest? Well, let's see that show was broadcast two or three days ago, and i still haven't read a thing about that comment. Being as old as i am, i was a teen when John Lennon made a similar claim about the Beatles. That remark led to massive international protest, the burning of Beatles records, the banning of songs in the US, the scourge of rock in general as a menace to all that was sanctified by Goldwater conservaties--the progenitors of Bushco. Now it is 40 years later and one of the largest corporations in the world can broadcast a claim that Elvis is more important than God without one whimper of angst or cathartic disbelief. We truly have achieved a brutal insanity in our national affairs.