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Monday, January 03, 2005

calving of the economic ice shelf

the neo-feudal lords of capital are at it again. if you doubt their sincerity in attending to their forced redistribution of funds witness the "core coalition" movement put together by Rove et al. By contrast, under Bush, the U.S. has become a reactionary power devoted to protecting the status quo in league with Britain, Russia, China and India. In short, a re-run of the Holy Alliance of 1815 in which Europe's autocrats sought to protect their power and privileges, and halt the rise of bourgeois democracy. we are at a time and place in planetary alignment when the very core fundamental precepts of their agenda is exposed. how to let millions of people die, while redistributing billions of dollars into contractual agreements among the lords themselves for the "relief" of the same people who are going to be ignored. the best example of this is the complete absence of the injured in this discussion. 150,000 dead and 5 million homeless are the buzzwords of the contribution generating machines. where do we find the number of injured and soon to be sick? well, this is a story about dead and rebuilding, not about who we are going to let die. thus we have reconstruction relief efforts, infrastructure contracts and direct military intervention-albeit for the purpose of logistical support-and body bags and dna analysis. but the missing and injured are no longer cost effective. it would take too much of the precious billions to prolong their lives. money that wouldn't go to prime rebuilding contracts or other such premium core coalition programs.

watch word of the weekend. when you want to know how the state of the world's economy is really going, you examine the edges of the luxury realms, not the meat and potatoes of retail consumer sales. what do we find? well all is not good. for example, take the auto industry. the overall bids on the classic car auction were down below even their usual averages. Indy car and CART racing programs are all cutting back severely because of lack of corporate sponsorship. even with the increase in advertising expenditures, auto sales are slumping, especially at the luxury end of the spectrum, while attendance at the major worlds' auto shows is down as well. NASCAR is making every effort it can to continue to generate audience share, but is having to bring in music concerts and other non-racing event production in order to sustain interest. if the auto racing world is in steep contraction how soon will other "sports" media likewise diminish? well, look at ice skating, that has now needed to abandon the ice capades drama for inclusion of rock concert-circus-risk sport activities as a means to put butts in the seats. the truth of the matter is that while conservative political machines are able to successfully spin lies and deceipts in order to retain a faithful belief based following, these same folk are unable to ignore the lies of paying large sums of dollars into the hands of boring and repetitive entertainment. well, except for those folks who are paying to see the fockers or is that spelled with a "U"?