You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
otter clan omarian otter oasis

Friday, January 07, 2005

Sona si hypocrite loqueris

Yesterday's events, taken in toto, are the beginning of the unravelling of the seven veils that have been hiding the ugliest and nastiest of the repug fascism. In five separate events, the glaring bold face lying of those trying to dominate and control the planet came to be manifest in the most public of forums.
  • Repuglicans in congress made statement after statement that the democrats were spoiled losers who weren't interested in moving forward, all the while repuglicans in the state of Washington were preparing lawsuits to overturn their lost election for the governorship. Such blatant hypocrisy, at the highest levels is there way of showing the world that they are beyond morality and beyond any human accountability.
  • The GAO revealed the results of three separate investigations into the blatant production of propaganda, in direct violation of federal law. It found that the executive branch purchased media products to facilitate the selling of their political agenda--selling Medicare cost increases to seniors, promoting a continuation of a war on some drugs and linking drugs to muslim terrorists, and attempting to convince african americans that NCLB is good for them. In each case the appropriate Federal official spokesperson claimed that even though the GAO found the conduct illegal it wasn't, and that anyway, they were doing it anymore.
  • The hearing for Attorney General nominee produced clear evidence that the US government engaged in efforts to unravel the Geneva conventions, and to justify torture as an appropriate tactic in gathering information from suspects. Again the adminstration suggested that while they may or may not have been doing that, they aren't doing it any more.
We are living in a time that is showing how disdainful those in power are for the rest of the planet. They will do anything they desire to sustain their domination, and expect no dissent, no protest, no interference. This nightmare will continue to get worse until people begin to wake up..