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You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Sunday, January 23, 2005

Omakiyaka yo ye.

the spin cycle is amazing... this week began with hersh revealing the planning strategy and tactical operations regarding iran. Later that day, the pentagon says that is all BS. The next day the White House says that the story may be incorrect and may contain irregularies and falsehoods. The following day the DoD suggests that the pentagon did not say the story was wrong, but just inaccurate. Then the Vice President basically says the story is true but only because the news reported it as true.
Bush gives his speech and his spinners suggest a bold US policy. Later that day the world press reports the inherent hypocrisy and dangers in the speech. Friday the speech is considered bold and innovative by Rovian minions, but that it doesn't really promote intervention other than those that are currently being undertaken, well, except for other Middle Eastern nations. Then yesterday we get:

<>President Bush's call for an end to tyranny worldwide should not be interpreted by foreign governments and the American people as a prelude to a more aggressive and bellicose foreign policy in his second term, the president's father told reporters yesterday. "People want to read a lot into it -- that this means new aggression or newly asserted military forces," former president George H.W. Bush said. "That's not what that speech is about. It's about freedom."

After George W. Bush's second inaugural address, in which he promised to defend those who seek freedom everywhere, there has been confusion overseas and in the United States over whether he was signaling a shift in foreign policy. Some interpreted the speech as presaging a more confrontational relationship with Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other nations that are allies in the war on terrorism but also have records of abusing human rights.

White House officials said in interviews Friday that Bush was not signaling a shift in policy but rather seeking to clarify what administration officials call the "Bush doctrine of liberty" that the president feels should guide policy well after he leaves the White House. The president's father reinforced that message yesterday.

People "certainly ought to not read into [the speech] any arrogance on the part of the United States," the former president said during an impromptu visit to the White House briefing room. White House officials said the president plans to detail the policies that will flow from the inaugural address in the upcoming State of the Union address.

you have to believe his daddy right? i mean they get this guy out to speak to the press, riding his so called coattails from the press he has gotten via the tsunami. i just have to keep wondering why the MSM isn't as cynical as it needs to be in times like this. where are they?? the simplest questions here would suffice to demonstrate the meaningless arrogance and stupidity of this administration.