You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

to' ka ho?

<>Rice strongly denied the charges. "I have never, ever lost respect for the truth in the service of anything," she angrily declared. "It is not my nature. It is not my character. And I would hope that we can have this conversation ... without impugning my credibility or my integrity." She added that she continued to believe that removing the Saddam was the right policy.

what? all Boxer did was present a series of statements made by Rice over the last four years. How is that impugning her credibility or integrity? OOHH wait i get it, by Rice suggesting this, she was diverting the attention away from what she had said. Even in these moments she doesn't get off message, attack, deceive, lie, obscure. Yep, telling the world exactly what to expect from her as the US representative to their various governments. we should all be so very proud. who the hell is this bitch.

Well for starters she was daddy W's first advisor on the Soviet Union who through her own complete lack of any academic consciousness whatsoever, predicted that the soviet union would stay together and be a significant threat to the world. WRONG!!.. so wrong was she that when she went to Stanford, the academic senate recommended that rather than teach--since her capacity to do so would be tauntamount to suggesting that students there should only learn fictional accounts of the world--they asked that the Hoover institute give her a role that was essentially token and out of student contact. her history is tainted beyond credibility. she is a fraud down to the very core of her being. and where is that Chevron tanker that was named for her, before they changed it for their own credibility and integrity...