You have discovered arachnoanarchy

You have discovered arachnoanarchy
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Thursday, January 20, 2005

wi ote 'hi ka wi

two stories, the same day... with such interesting intersections of thought... the state, acting as we the people, kills a citizen while the president, the person responsible for acting as the nation for the people suggests that if people feel threatened with oppression they should rise up and overthrow those that are oppressing them... the glaring ironic hypocrisy of this is amazing...

Kevin Fagan was one of 13 reporters to witness Donald Beardslee's execution Wednesday. It was the fifth California execution he has witnessed. Two quick sighs, a flutter of the eyelids and then a yawn as the first shot of heavy sedative poured into his veins -- those were the closest things to death throes for triple-murderer Donald Beardslee as he was executed Wednesday morning at San Quentin Prison.

<>Indeed, President Bush's second inaugural address focused on liberty and spreading freedom throughout the world. "Americans in this young century proclaim liberty throughout all the world … Renewed in our strength, tested but not weary, we are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom," Bush said on the west side of the U.S. Capitol. "Freedom by its nature must be chosen and defended by it citizens and supported by rule of law … America will not impose our own style of government on the unwilling. Our goal instead is to help others find their own voice … and make their own way," the president said. The president encouraged oppressed nations to muster up and declare their liberty. "There is no justice without freedom and there can be no human rights without human liberty … Liberty will come to those who love it … When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you.

whoa... he can't possibly be suggesting that the people of iraq, should rise up against their occupiers and declare their liberty from them, and that the US would be there to support these efforts. that would be too much, we forming coalitions to attack ourselves because we are intending to impose freedom and liberty on these people.. but i suppose no one will read that into this amazingly stupid quote